Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-3-05 WT Study (complete)

by blondie 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-3-05 WT Study (February 15, 2005 issue date)

    Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()

    WT quotes from today?s WT

    will be in red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other sources

    will be in blue


    " 'You are my witnesses,? is the utterance of Jehovah."-ISAIAH 43:10.

    Notice how the WTS uses only a snippet omitting the fact that this is addressed to the nation of Israel as being a "chosen servant." The WTS applies this "chosen servant" only to the 144,000 they say will rule in heaven with Jesus. What about the other 6 million plus JWs? Where do they fit in the picture?

    You are My witnesses, says the Lord, and My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know Me, believe Me and remain steadfast to Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after Me.?Isaiah 43:10 (Amplified Bible) /cgi-bin/bible


    I have laid out this review this week using "buzzwords" and "bellringers." It illustrates how I first approach an article based on my almost 50 years of association with the WTS.



    "servants of Jehovah" (rather than Christians)


    : "Bible standards of morality" (morality?WTS policy on child sexual abuse)

    Since this article is about the Christian identity, note if there is much direction to come to know Jesus and imitate him as Paul said?not imitate God. Does Jesus play a central role in developing a Christian identity in this article?

    First, the theme scripture is Isaiah 43:10 not Acts 1:8.

    "YOU are my witnesses," is the utterance of Jehovah

    , "even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that YOU may know and have faith in me, and that YOU may understand that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none . ISAIAH 43:10

    but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me (Jesus Christ) both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de´a and Sa·mar´i·a and to the most distant part of the earth. " ACTS 1:8


    WHEN you are at a Kingdom Hall, take a good look around you. Whom do you see at this place of worship? You might see earnest young people attentively absorbing Scriptural wisdom. (Psalm 148:12,13) Likely, you will also observe family heads striving to please God while living in a world that degrades family life. Perhaps you will catch sight of dear older ones, steadfastly living up to their dedication to Jehovah despite the maladies of advanced age. (Proverbs 16:31) All love Jehovah deeply. And he saw fit to draw them into a relationship with him. "No man can come to me," affirmed the Son of God, "unless the Father, who sent me, draws him."-John 6:37, 44, 65.

    (Picture on page 17: White-haired older sister sitting next to young, good-looking single sister; young white couple (husband is feature in other pictures in this article); graying father with son sitting close to him next to wife and daughter (center of picture); black family behind them with father, wife and teenage daughter)

    "earnest young people attentively absorbing Scriptural wisdom"

    Teenagers who don?t know why 1914 is important to the WTS let alone explain it to anyone else.

    "family heads"

    The WTS has become more PC and recognizing that many women are the heads of the families instead of saying "husbands/fathers"

    "dear older ones, steadfastly living up to their dedication to Jehovah despite the maladies of advanced age."


    if they can be at the meetings with their ailments, there is no excuse for anyone else to miss a meeting due to illness.

    w00 12/1 p. 17 Do You Love Jehovah?s Reminders Exceedingly?

    Following Anna?s example, do you make it a point not to miss meetings?

    2 Are we not delighted to be part of a people who have Jehovah's approval and blessing? Yet, maintaining a strong sense of our identity as Christians in these "critical times hard to deal with" is a challenge. (2 Timothy 3:1) This is especially true of young ones who are being raised in Christian families.

    "Jehovah?s approval"?not Christ?s"?

    On the 2003 WT-CD, the phrase "Christ?s approval" occurs only 4 times in over 50 years of publications?and "Jesus? approval" only once.

    w03 5/15 p. 17 Listen to What the Spirit Says! ***

    We should act quickly for our own good. Suppose we are being drawn to ungodly ways or are becoming lax in meeting attendance or in our ministry. Let us seek Jehovah?s help in earnest prayer. (Philippians 4:6, 7, 13) Daily Bible reading and study of the Scriptures and the publications of "the faithful steward" will contribute to our spiritual wakefulness. (Luke 12:42-44) Then we will be like those in Sardis who had Christ?s approval, and we will be a blessing to fellow believers.

    "Christian families" really means only JW families.

    "Though I was attending Christian meetings," admitted one such youth, "I had no clear spiritual goals and, frankly, no crystallized desire to serve Jehovah."

    How many teenagers talk like this? Actually, how many adults talk like this. On another thread on JWD, there are examples of how "experiences" were edited/improved by the CO and DO until the account was unrecognizable to the one relating the "experience."

    Yes, the WTS knows that children of JWs are leaving in droves.

    Serve Jehovah

    In 50 years of publications on the CD, serving Christ Jesus is mentioned only 10 times; here is one.

    w69 1/15 p. 49 Are You Ready for the Responsibilities of a Baptized Witness?

    By this step of baptism one actively puts oneself on God?s side, demonstrating one?s faith in Jehovah and in Christ Jesus. One takes up the fight of Christian faith, entering the ranks of those serving Christ.

    3 Some, while sincerely desiring to serve Jehovah, might be distracted by intense peer pressure, worldly influences, and sinful tendencies. When pressure is exerted on us, it may gradually cause us to lose our Christian identity. For example, many in the world today view the Bible's standards of morality as old-fashioned or unrealistic in our modern world. (1 Peter 4:4) Some feel that it is not vital to worship God in the way that he directs. (John 4:24) In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul speaks of the world as having a "spirit," or dominant attitude. (Ephesians 2:2) That spirit exerts pressure on people to conform to the thinking of a society that does not know Jehovah (why isn?t Jesus mentioned here?)

    intense peer pressure

    How many children of JWs get baptized because of "peer pressure" from parents, elders, etc?

    worldly influences

    Worldly influences such as non-JW parents and relatives, neighbors, all schoolmates, all fellow workers, isolating themselves from all people in general; it is no wonder that being made to talk to complete strangers from door to door is extremely difficult.

    sinful tendencies

    Bible?s standards of morality as old-fashioned

    In the WTS reporting child sexual abuse requires 2 eyewitnesses

    "worship God in the way that he directs" or the way the WTS directs

    w03 2/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    Just like a servant who attentively observes his master?s hand in order to discern the indication of his will, Jehovah?s people today carefully fix their eyes on the progressive Bible-based instructions that Jehovah gives through his earthly organization. (Psalm 123:1, 2) Yes, they act on his direction, being alert to whatever Jehovah indicates through "the faithful and discreet slave."?Matthew 24:45-47.

    w99 11/15 p. 18 Are You Fulfilling Your Whole Obligation to God? ***

    Moreover, Jehovah provides spiritual food and theocratic direction through "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45-47)

    w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible?A Book Meant to Be Understood

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah?s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.?John 6:68.

    4 However, as dedicated servants of Jehovah, we realize that it would be tragic for any of us?young or old?to lose our Christian identification. A wholesome sense of Christian identity can be based only on Jehovah's standards and his expectations for us. After all, we are created in his image. (Genesis 1:26; Micah 6:8) The Bible likens our clear identification as Christians to outer garments, worn for all to see. Regarding our times, Jesus warned: "Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness."* (* These words may allude to the duties of the officer of the temple mount in Jerusalem. During the night watches, he went through the temple to see whether its Levite guards were awake or asleep at their posts. Any guard found sleeping was struck with a stick, and his outer garments might be burned as shameful punishment.) (Revelation 16:15) We do not want to shed our Christian qualities and standards of conduct and allow Satan's world to mold us. If that was to happen, we would lose these "outer garments." Such a situation would be regrettable and shameful.

    Dedicated servants of Jehovah or Christians?

    Christian identity or their identity as Jehovah?s Witnesses?

    Jehovah?s expectations?WTS expectations

    w03 5/15 p. 21 Remain Steadfast, and Win the Race for Life ***

    Even some steadfast ones with many years of faithful service to God behind them may be undergoing a test because their expectations have not yet been completely fulfilled.

    w03 11/15 p. 6 You Can Believe in a Paradise Earth

    Very soon now, God will have that original purpose fulfilled

    1914, 1915, 1925, 1940?s, 1975, 1984, 1994

    Christian qualities and standards of conduct

    Neutrality/no part of the world

    Association with the UN as a NGO (non-governmental organization)

    Alternative service?before 1996 not allowed by WT

    Alternative service?after 1996 allowed and members told it had always been a personal decision

    5 A strong sense of Christian identity greatly affects the direction one's life takes. How so? If a worshiper of Jehovah was to lose his clear sense of identity, he might end up unfocused, without well-defined direction or goals. The Bible repeatedly warns against such an indecisive state. "He who doubts," cautioned the disciple James, "is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about. In fact, let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from Jehovah; he is an indecisive man, unsteady in all his ways." ?James 1:6-8; Ephesians 4:14; Hebrews 13:9.

    Worshiper of Jehovah?where is the Christian identity in that? Where is Christ?

    Without well-defined direction or goals?goals selected by whom?

    Doubts about what the promises of God or the promises of the WTS?

    w86 3/15 p. 17 Allow No Place for the Devil! ***

    Do not let the Devil make you a candidate for apostasy because you have become demandingly impatient, doubtful about the promises of God! Be patient, be thankful. Wait upon Jehovah.

    And that was almost 20 years ago.

    6 How can we safeguard our Christian identity? What can help us to enhance our awareness of our great privilege to be worshipers of the Most High? Please consider the following ways.

    Worshipers of the Most High?where is Christ in this equation?

    Firmly Establish Your Christian Identity

    7 Continually reaffirm your relationship with Jehovah. The most precious possession a Christian has is his personal relationship with God. (Psalm 25:14; Proverbs 3:32) If we begin to have disturbing questions about our Christian identity, it is time to examine closely the quality and the depth of this relationship. The psalmist appropriately pleaded: "Examine me, O Jehovah, and put me to the test; refine my kidneys and my heart." (Psalm 26:2) Why is such an examination vital? Because we ourselves cannot be reliable assessors of our own deepest motives and innermost inclinations. Only Jehovah is able to fathom our inner person?our motives, thoughts, and emotions.?Jeremiah 17:9, 10.

    Where is a Christian?s relationship with Christ in this picture? How can there be any relationship with God without Jesus Christ?

    w03 5/15 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***

    However, the baptism of Jews who became followers of Jesus Christ from Pentecost 33 C.E. onward involved more than presenting themselves to God as members of a dedicated nation. It symbolized their dedication to Jehovah God in a new relationship with him through Jesus Christ.

    Water baptism was a symbol of their dedication to God, bringing them into a new relationship with him through Jesus Christ.

    w99 7/15 pp. 13-14 Helping People to Draw Close to Jehovah ***

    For faith to endure, it must be based on a personal relationship with Jehovah God through Jesus Christ

    Disturbing questions about our Christian identity or identity as a Jehovah?s Witness? Or disturbing questions about the WTS? Christian identity?

    We cannot be reliable assessors?only Jehovah?only the elders and the COs and the DOs?.

    As one elder told me once, the elders can?t read hearts but they know what people are thinking!!!

    8 By asking Jehovah to examine us, we invite him to test us. He may allow situations to develop that reveal our true motives and heart condition. (Hebrews 4:12, 13; James 1: 22-25) We should welcome such tests because they give us an opportunity to demonstrate the depth of our loyalty to Jehovah. Such can show whether we are "complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything." (James 1:2-4) And in the process, we can grow spiritually.?Ephesians 4:22-24.

    Asking Jehovah to examine us?or running to the elders to ask them what to do?

    He may allow situations to develop that reveal our true motives and heart condition?we should welcome such tests....opportunity to demonstrate the depth of our loyalty to Jehovah.

    Does God test us with evil things? While the WTS cites James 1:22-25 and 2-4:

    When under trial, let no one say: "I am being tried by God." For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone
    . JAMES 1:13

    And how does the WTS talk about of both sides of their mouth?

    w02 2/15 p. 13 They Coped With Thorns in Their Flesh ***

    Jehovah God certainly does not cause our trials. (James 1:13)

    w02 8/1 p. 7 Do Superstitions Control Your Life? ***

    But Jehovah never tests us with bad things. (James 1:13)

    w97 12/1 p. 13 Jehovah, a God "Ready to Forgive" ***

    Jehovah does not cause adversity to befall us. When troubles arise, a Christian should not feel, ?Perhaps Jehovah is punishing me for past sins.? (Compare James 1:13.)

    w02 4/1 p. 28 Stay Awake, Move Ahead Courageously! ***

    Until that hour of test ends, we are bound to face trials or difficulties. Are we going to remain loyal to Jehovah and his organization? ?We will have to display such loyalty as individuals,? noted Brother Jaracz.

    9 Prove Bible truth to yourself. Our sense of identity as servants of Jehovah can weaken if it is not solidly based on knowledge of the Scriptures. (Philippians 1:9, 10) Every Christian?young or old?needs to prove to his own satisfaction that what he believes is indeed the truth as found in the Bible. Paul urged fellow believers: "Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine." (1 Thessalonians 5:21) Young Christians who belong to God-fearing families must realize that they cannot live off the faith of their parents. Solomon's own father, David, exhorted him to "know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart." (1 Chronicles 28:9) It would not be enough for young Solomon to watch how his own father built faith in Jehovah. He had to get to know Jehovah for himself, and he did. He beseeched God: "Give me now wisdom and knowledge that I may go out before this people and that I may come in."-2 Chronicles 1:10.

    Prove Bible truth to yourself

    Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world
    . 1 JOHN 4:1

    w01 7/1 pp. 18-19 Do Not Let Doubts Destroy Your Faith ***

    The apostle John also warns Christians against blind belief. "Do not believe every inspired expression," he writes. Rather, "test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God." (1 John 4:1) An "expression," a teaching or opinion, might appear to emanate from God. But did it really come from him? Exercising some doubt, or suspending belief, can be a real protection because, as the apostle John says, "many deceivers have gone forth into the world."?2 John 7.

    w01 8/1 p. 6 Why Do You Believe What You Believe? ***

    The Bible encourages us to check our beliefs against what it teaches. (1 John 4:1) Millions of readers of this magazine can testify that doing so has added purpose and stability to their lives. So be like the noble-minded Beroeans. ?Carefully examine the Scriptures daily? before you decide what to believe. (Acts 17:11) Jehovah?s Witnesses will be happy to help you to do this. Of course, it is your decision as to what you want to believe.

    Ever try to apply this scripture to WTS teachings or perhaps you used Acts 17:11. Beware, you could be branded an apostate.

    w81 2/15 p. 18 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible?/A NOBLE-MINDED VIEW

    How shall we view the spiritual food provided by this "faithful and discreet slave"? Should it be viewed critically??Oh, well, it might be true but then again it might not be and so we have to scrutinize it very critically?? Some apparently have felt that way about it. To support their way of thinking they have quoted Acts 17:11, which says of newly interested persons at Beroea: "Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so."

    But does this mean that those Beroeans were looking for flaws in the message they were hearing, or that their attitude was one of doubting? Does this set a precedent for regarding critically the publications brought forth by the "faithful and discreet slave," with a view to finding fault? Not at all!


    We can benefit from this consideration. If we have once established what instrument God is using as his "slave" to dispense spiritual food to his people, surely Jehovah is not pleased if we receive that food as though it might contain something harmful. We should have confidence in the channel God is using. At the Brooklyn headquarters from which the Bible publications of Jehovah?s Witnesses emanate there are more mature Christian elders, both of the "remnant" and of the "other sheep," than anywhere else upon earth.

    True, the brothers preparing these publications are not infallible. Their writings are not inspired as are those of Paul and the other Bible writers. (2 Tim. 3:16) And so, at times, it has been necessary, as understanding became clearer, to correct views. (Prov. 4:18) However, this has resulted in a continual refining of the body of Bible-based truth to which Jehovah?s Witnesses subscribe. Over the years, as adjustments have been made to that body of truth, it has become ever more wonderful and applicable to our lives in these "last days." Bible commentators of Christendom are not inspired either. Despite their claims to great knowledge, they have failed to highlight even basic Bible truths?such as the coming Paradise earth, the importance of God?s name, and the condition of the dead.

    Rather, the record that the "faithful and discreet slave" organization has made for the past more than 100 years forces us to the conclusion that Peter expressed when Jesus asked if his apostles also wanted to leave him, namely, "Whom shall we go away to?" (John 6:66-69) No question about it. We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the Scriptural guidance we need outside the "faithful and discreet slave" organization

    Identity as servants of Jehovah?Not Christians?

    Solidly based on knowledge of the Scriptures?only as explained by the WTS

    Every Christian?Every JW only

    Needs to prove to his satisfaction?and the satisfaction of the WTS

    Truth as found in the Bible?truth as found in the WTS "Bible-based" publications

    Young Christians?young JWs

    Cannot live off the faith of their parents?but can live off the money of their parents if they regular pioneer or go to Bethel

    ?OT example again as how to live a "Christian" life

    Get to know Jehovah?but not get to know the Christ and be a Christian

    10 Strong faith is built on knowledge. "Faith follows the thing heard," stated Paul. (Romans 10:17) What did he mean by that? He meant that by feeding on God's Word, we build our faith and confidence in Jehovah, his promises, and his organization. Asking honest questions about the Bible can lead to reassuring answers. Furthermore, at Romans 12:2, we find the advice of Paul: "Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Just how can we achieve that? By gaining "the accurate knowledge of the truth." (Titus 1:1) Jehovah's spirit can help us to comprehend even difficult subjects. (1 Corinthians 2:11, 12) We should pray for God's help when we are having problems understanding something. (Psalm 119: 10, 11, 27) Jehovah wants us to understand his Word, believe it, and obey it. He welcomes honest questions asked with the right motive.

    Knowledge?as selected and prepared by the WTS

    Feeding on God?s Word?which can only be explained by the WTS

    Faith and confidence in?his organization?in Jehovah and his promises which can only be explained by the WTS

    Honest questions about the Bible?but the WTS decides if they are honest.

    Jehovah?s spirit can help us to comprehend even difficult subjects?but only through the WTS which tells you that anyone outside the organization cannot have access to God?s spirit.

    Pray for God?s help?but go to the WTS publications and the elders for answers

    Understand his Word, believe it, and obey it?or understand the WT doctrines, believe them, and obey them?

    He welcomes honest questions asked with the right motive?who do you ask, the elders, the CO/DO, write to Bethel? Who answers?

    But be careful, asking questions may lead a person to be labeled an apostate.

    w98 8/15 p. 20 Strengthening Our Confidence in God?s Righteousness ***

    Jehovah?s organization does not discourage sincere, timely questions, as some opposers mistakenly claim. (1 Peter 1:10-12) However, the Bible counsels that we avoid foolish, speculative questions. (Titus 3:9) Asking reasonable questions and searching God?s Word and Christian publications to find Scriptural answers can increase our accurate knowledge and can thus strengthen our confidence in Jehovah. The organization follows the example of Jesus. He refrained from commenting on questions for which the proper time for answering had not arrived. He explained: "I have many things yet to say to you, but you are not able to bear them at present." (John 16:12) He also admitted that some things he himself did not know at that point.?Matthew 24:36.

    So the organization will decide if the questions is timely, foolish, speculative, reasonable and compares itself to the Son of God in being able to decide when it is time to answer a question.

    Be Determined to Please God

    11 Seek to please God, not man. It is only natural to define our identity in part by belonging to a group. Everyone needs friends, and being included makes us feel good. During adolescence?as well as later in life?peer pressure can be powerful, generating a desperate desire to imitate or please others. But friends and peers do not always have our best interests at heart. Sometimes they only want company in doing what is wrong. (Proverbs 1:11-19) When a Christian succumbs to negative peer pressure, he usually tries to conceal his identity. (Psalm 26:4) "Do not model yourselves on the behavior of the world around you," warned the apostle Paul. (Romans 12:2, The Jerusalem Bible) Jehovah provides the inner strength we need in order to combat any outside pressure to conform. ?Hebrews 13:6.

    Seek to please God, not man?yet pleasing others determines that JW men cannot have beards.

    w89 9/15 p. 22 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***

    Our being obedient and submissive to congregation elders does not mean that we are men pleasers. That would be unscriptural, for first-century Christian slaves were told to obey their masters, "not with acts of eye-service, as men pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, with fear of Jehovah." (Colossians 3:22; Ephesians 6:5, 6)

    Define our identity in part by belonging to a group?are JWs taught that they are nothing without the group?

    Great crowd, other sheep, book study, congregation, circuit, district, branch?

    A Christian?a JW

    Conceal his identity?as a Christian or a JW?

    Outside pressure to conform?what about inside pressure to conform and conform to what? Bible standards as interpreted by the WTS or on an individual?s own reading of the Bible and the help of the holy spirit?

    Paragraph 10:

    Jehovah's spirit can help us to comprehend even difficult subjects

    12 when outside pressure threatens to damage our sense of Christian identity, it is good to remember that our loyalty to God is far more important than public opinion or the trends of the majority. The words of Exodus 23:2 serve as a safe principle: "You must not follow after the crowd for evil ends." When the majority of fellow Israelites doubted Jehovah's ability to fulfill His promises, Caleb staunchly refused to go along with the majority. He was certain that God's promises were trustworthy, and he was richly rewarded for his stand. (Numbers 13:30; Joshua 14:6-11) Are you similarly willing to resist the pressure of popular opinion in order to safeguard your relationship with God?

    Christian identity?meaning only JWs are Christians

    Loyalty to God?meaning loyalty to the WTS.

    Far more important than public opinion or the trends of the majority?including public opinion in the congregation and the majority in the congregation?

    staunchly refused to go along with the majority
    ?Another OT example of how to be a Christian

    Were the majority pagan worshippers or members of his religious community?

    Was he loyal to God or his religious organization?

    w01 10/1 p. 22 What Does It Mean to Be Loyal?

    Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organization. Necessarily, over the years there have been corrections and adjustments to our understanding of certain scriptures. The fact is that no one is as spiritually well fed as we are. (Matthew 24:45-47) Unquestionably, Jehovah has stuck with his modern-day organization. Can we not do likewise?

    Relationship with God?what about Jesus?

    13 Make your Christian identity known. The saying that the best defense is a good offense is true as we stand up for our Christian identity. When confronted with opposition to their efforts to do Jehovah's will in the days of Ezra, faithful Israelites stated: "We are the servants of the God of the heavens and the earth." (Ezra 5:11) If we are affected by the reactions and criticism of hostile people, we can become paralyzed with fear. A policy of pleasing everyone will undermine our effectiveness. So do not be intimidated. It is always good to make it clearly known to others that you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses. In a respectful but firm way, you can explain to others your values, your beliefs, and your position as a Christian. Let others know that you have resolved to maintain Jehovah's high standards on issues of morality. Make it clear that your Christian integrity is not negotiable. Show that you are proud of your moral standards. (Psalm 64:10) Standing out as a steadfast Christian can fortify you, protect you, and even move some to inquire about Jehovah and his people.

    Best defense is a good offense is true?and many elders and other JWs feel that being offensive is being effective.

    Days of Ezra ?another OT example of how to be a Christian

    Reactions and criticism of hostile people?paralyzed with fear?pleasing everyone will undermine our effectiveness?so true in the JW congregation

    Reactions and criticism of the elders, their wives, the CO?

    Paralyzed with fear wondering which one will be offended this time and spread gossip of your "spiritual weakness"

    Try to please everyone undermines your focus on pleasing God and Jesus and losing any joy you might have had.

    Remember the illustration of the sheep, if you are in trouble spiritually it is up to you to ask for help. The shepherds will not look for the sheep unless the cry out for help

    w02 3/1 p. 16 How Precious Is the Truth to You? ***

    But where does the ultimate responsibility lie if we are to persevere in our way of life based on the truth? Really, the responsibility rests with each one of us. And that is true both under normal circumstances and in difficult times. Consider the following incident.

    In Scotland some young lambs were grazing in a pasture when one of them strayed to the side of a hillock and tumbled onto a ledge below. It was uninjured, but it was frightened and unable to climb back. So it started to bleat plaintively. Its mother heard it, and she too began to bleat until the shepherd came and retrieved the young lamb.

    Notice the sequence of events. The lamb called for help, the ewe added her voice to its cries, and the alerted shepherd sprang into action to rescue it. If a very young animal and its mother can sense danger and immediately call for help, should we not do the same when we stumble spiritually or face unexpected dangers from Satan?s world?

    Compared to this example:

    "What do YOU think? If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? 13 And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell YOU, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that have not strayed.

    MATTHEW 18:12-13

    Did Jesus say to wait for the sheep to call out for help?

    14 Yes, some might ridicule or oppose you. (Jude 18) If others do not respond favorably to your efforts to explain your values to them, do not get discouraged. (Ezekiel 3:7, 8) No matter how determined you are, you are never going to convince people who have no desire to be convinced. Remember Pharaoh. No plague or miracle?not even the personal loss of his firstborn?was able to persuade Pharaoh that Moses was speaking on behalf of Jehovah. Therefore, do not let fear of man paralyze you. Trust and faith in God can help us overcome fear.?Proverbs 3:5, 6; 29:25.

    Ridicule or oppose you?"apostates"?

    Others do not respond?99.9% of the world?s population that the WTS says will die eternally SOON

    Discouraged?stop going out in the "field ministry" and attending meetings

    You are never going to convince people who have no desire to be convinced?

    Preferring the wicked world, goatlike ones reject the Kingdom message, whether hearing it directly or indirectly

    When the glorious King, Christ Jesus, comes for judgment, such dishonorable vessels will include all obstinate goatlike humans who will, as Matthew 25:46 states, "depart into everlasting cutting-off

    obstinate, goatish people who do not want that Kingdom

    The undedicated children of goatish people will not be spared from execution and being sentenced to Gehenna just because they are themselves minor, unresponsible children.

    The effect of this witness is to divide the people. Scoffers, critics and indifferent ones are classed with those who violently persecute God?s witnesses. They are goatish and their end will be everlasting cutting off in second death.

    A goatish woman at the door cared more for her religious fodder than for the bread of life, so I went to a small house in the rear,

    (Citations upon request?this is getting a little long)

    Remember Pharaoh ?Another OT example of how not to be a Christian

    Do not let fear of man paralyze you?including the elders, CO, DO

    Trust and faith in God?not in Jesus?

    Blurb: Immersing ourselves in Christian activities can enhance our Christian identity

    Pictures on pages 20, 21

    Picture 1) Shows young, married white JW w/o children from page 17 refusing "cigarettes" from a man on the sidewalk (when was the last time someone tempted you with a cigarette on the street?

    Picture 2) Shows him in a casual sweater at the hospital bedside of an older black woman, sharing a scripture?no?reading from a tract?you know she can?t be a JW?no brother would spend time in a hospital talking to a JW (can?t put it on your time slip), unless they can drop some magazines in the lobby on the way out.

    Very, very few male JWs step into a hospital even to visit JW friends?.50 years experience talking here.

    Picture 3) Shows him doing repairs at a KH, using an electric drill with a tool bag around his waste?work clothing prevails.

    Picture 4) Talking to a young woman at the door, finally hold up a Bible?white shirt and tie, properly short sideburns.

    Look to the Past, Build for the Future

    15 Cherish your spiritual heritage. In the light of God's Word, Christians will benefit from pondering their rich spiritual heritage. This inheritance includes the truth of Jehovah's Word, the hope of everlasting life, and the honor to represent God as proclaimers of the good news. Can you see your individual place among his Witnesses, in the privileged group of people who have been commissioned with the lifesaving work of Kingdom preaching? Remember, it is none other than Jehovah who affirms: "You are my witnesses."-Isaiah 43:10.

    Christians?only JWs

    The truth of Jehovah?s word?as interpreted by the WTS

    The hope of everlasting life (carrot) ?only for JWs and resurrected dead people

    Honor to represent God as proclaimers of the good news?many other Christian religions would beg to differ and have proof

    Individual place among his Witnesses?not among Christians?

    Privileged group of people?only ones out of over 6 billion people that will survive Armageddon

    Isaiah 43:10?not Acts 1:8 and another God rather than Christ connection

    16 You can ask yourself such questions as: 'How precious is this spiritual heritage to me? Do I prize it sufficiently to make the doing of God's will the top priority in my life? Is my appreciation of it strong enough to fortify me to resist any temptation that might lead to my forfeiting it?' Our spiritual heritage can also infuse in us a deep sense of spiritual security that can be enjoyed only within Jehovah's organization. (Psalm 91:1, 2) Reviewing remarkable events from the modern-day history of Jehovah's organization can impress upon us that no person or thing can eradicate Jehovah's people from the face of the earth. ?Isaiah 54:17; Jeremiah 1:19.

    Ask yourself such questions?too many elders and other JWs spend time weighing others JWs in the balance.

    Doing of God?s will the top priority in my life?actually the doing of the WTS/FDS will since they interpret what that will is

    Spiritual security?an organization where you have to watch your every word and action because if some fellow JW thinks you have crossed the line, they will run to the elders.

    Only within Jehovah?s organization?only JWs have God?s blessing

    Jehovah?s organization (twice)?What happened to Christ?

    Jehovah?s people?only JWs

    17 Of course, we cannot depend solely on our spiritual heritage. Each of us must develop an intimate relationship with God. After Paul had worked hard to build the faith of Christians in Philippi, he wrote to them: "Consequently, my beloved ones, in the way that you have always obeyed, not during my presence only, but now much more readily during my absence, keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling." (Philippians 2:12) We cannot rely on someone else for our salvation.

    Relationship with God?not a relationship with Christ, after all this is a "Christian" identity being discussed.

    We cannot rely on someone else for our salvation?are they talking about God or Jesus?

    Rely on the WTS?

    w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible?A Book Meant to Be Understood ***

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah?s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.?John 6:68.

    18 Immerse yourself in Christian activities. It has been observed that "work has been a shaper of personal identity." Christians today have been commissioned to do the vital work of preaching the good news of God's established Kingdom. Paul declared: "Forasmuch as I am, in reality, an apostle to the nations, I glorify my ministry." (Romans 11:13) Our preaching work distinguishes us from the world, and our participation in it enhances our Christian identity. Immersing ourselves in other theocratic activities, such as Christian meetings, programs for building places of worship, efforts to help those in need, and the like, can deepen our sense of identity as Christians.?Galatians 6:9, 10; Hebrews 10: 23, 24.

    Immerse yourself in Christian activities?but not providing food or shelter for the homeless or poor, not helping non-JWs in need except to place WT publications with them or to conduct indoctrination sessions using such publications.

    Our preaching work distinguishes us from the world?I have had 3 Protestant churches call on me and 2 Mormon pairs in the last 4 years, JWs?zero. Hmmm.

    Theocratic activities, such as Christian meetings, programs for building paces of worship, efforts to help those in need (only JWs), and the like---the Bethel complexes are primarily places of worship??

    Those in need?Christ?s brothers = FDS per WTS

    w74 10/15 p. 627 Earthly Subjects of the Kingdom of God ***

    On what basis do the sheeplike ones extend help? Is it out of a purely humanitarian, philanthropic attitude? There are many humanitarian-minded people in the world, who will help anyone in need. This is a good, admirable trait. But when it comes to helping or standing by Christ?s "brothers," who are "ambassadors" of Christ, it is another thing. (2 Cor. 5:20) When these ambassadors make announcement of God?s coming judgments on this world, they are generally not popular. Often they are persecuted. Under such circumstances many humanitarian-minded persons become fearful, sometimes even opposed, and refuse to give assistance.

    w61 7/1 p. 387 Neighbor Love No Substitute for Love of God ***

    Thus it is a common failing in Christendom to be concerned only about showing neighbor love, letting the more important commandment, to love God with one?s whole heart, mind, soul and strength, be entirely lost sight of. So we find many well-meaning professed Christians busying themselves with the "social gospel," with humanitarian projects, such as fighting diseases, political corruption, economic and social evils, but they give little if any thought to the first and greater commandment, to whether this truly is God?s will for them or not. Consciously or unconsciously they justify their lack of love of God because of their demonstrating what they consider to be neighbor love.

    Deepen our sense of identity as Christians?only JWs are "true" Christians though; all the rest are so-called or professed.

    Clear Identity, Tangible Blessings

    19 Take a moment to contemplate the many benefits and advantages we enjoy because we are true Christians. We have the privilege of being personally recognized by Jehovah. The prophet Malachi said: "Those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name." (Malachi 3:16) We can be viewed by God as his friends. (James 2:23) Our lives are adorned by a clear sense of purpose, by deep meaning, and by wholesome, productive goals. And we have been given the hope of an eternal future.?Psalm 37:9.

    Benefits and advantages we enjoy because we are true Christians?only JWs are "true" Christians although they call themselves "Jehovah?s Witnesses."

    Privilege of being personally recognized by Jehovah?no proof of how this recognition is shown by God.

    Prophet Malachi ?Another OT example

    We can be viewed by God as his friends?only the 144,000 can be called "sons of God" and Christ?s brothers according to the WTS

    Wholesome, productive goals?attend all five meetings regularly, get in the national average (10 hours) monthly in the preaching work,

    Hope of an eternal future (carrot) ?second time, the true reason people become JWs?not to vindicate God?s sovereignty and sanctify God?s name.

    w99 7/15 p. 19 Anchored by Hope, Impelled by Love ***

    Out of gratitude to Jehovah, our primary concern should be, not to gain personal salvation, but
    to witness the sanctification of his holy name and the vindication of his righteous sovereignty.

    20 Remember that your true identity and value lie in God's estimate of your worth, not in what other people may think of you. Others might appraise us according to inadequate human standards. But God's love and personal interest give us the real basis for our worth?we belong to him. (Matthew 10:29-31) In turn, our own love for God can provide us with the greatest sense of identity and the clearest direction in our lives. "If anyone loves God, this one is known by him." ?1 Corinthians 8:3.

    God?s estimate of your worth, not in what other people may think of you?and that includes the elders and anyone else at the KH; God does not communicate your worth through these people but between you and him.

    We belong to him?where is Jesus in this picture who paid the price with his life?

    YOU are all, in fact, sons of God through YOUR faith in Christ Jesus. 27
    27 For all of YOU who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for YOU are all one [person] in union with Christ Jesus. 29 Moreover, if YOU belong to Christ, YOU are really Abraham?s seed, heirs with reference to a promise . GALATIANS 3:26-29

    Our own love for God can provide us with the greatest sense of identity?where is the love for Christ? Isn?t this a Christian identity? Of is love for Christ just a steppingstone? The WTS does mention the love for Christ in its publications; why is it so singularly missing in an article about Christian identity?

    w99 7/15 p. 14 Helping People to Draw Close to Jehovah ***

    Building on Christ as the foundation means teaching in such a way that the Bible student develops a deep love for Jesus through full knowledge of His role as Redeemer, Head of the congregation, loving High Priest, and reigning King. (Daniel 7:13, 14; Matthew 20:28; Colossians 1:18-20; Hebrews 4:14-16) It means making Jesus so real to them that he virtually dwells in their hearts. Our prayer for them should be like Paul?s petition in behalf of Christians in Ephesus. He wrote: "I bend my knees to the Father, . . . to the end that he may grant you . . . to have the Christ dwell through your faith in your hearts with love; that you may be rooted and established on the foundation."?Ephesians 3:14-17. If we build in such a manner that love for Christ develops in the hearts of our students, this will logically result in building love for Jehovah God. Jesus? love, feeling, and compassion are a faithful reflection of Jehovah?s qualities. (Matthew 11:28-30; Mark 6:30-34; John 15:13, 14; Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:3) So as people get to know and love Jesus, they will come to know and love Jehovah.

    Concluding Comments

    Have your learned anything about Christ in this article? How has your "Christian" identity been strengthened? If someone came up to the average JW and asked, "What religion are you?" would they say, "Christian"? Hardly, "Jehovah?s Witness" would pop out so fast?why, isn?t being a Christian enough? Whose footsteps are we following?

    Identity as a Christian?Identity as a JW?

    The WTS has given these examples of how to be a Christian (or not) in the last 2 articles.





    Israelite slave girl (Naaman)











    Hope you have a nice weekend, remember to turn your clocks an hour ahead Saturday night before you go to bed.

    Love, Blondie

    1. What kind of people does Jehovah draw to himself?

    2, 3. Why can it be challenging to maintain a strong sense of Christian identity?

    4. How did Jesus emphasize the need for us to safeguard our clear identification as Christians?

    5, 6. Why is spiritual stability vital?

    7. Why is it profitable to plead with Jehovah to examine us?

    8. (a) How can testing by Jehovah benefit us? (b) How have you been helped to make progress as a Christian?

    9. Is proving Bible truth to ourselves optional? Explain.

    10. Why is there nothing wrong with asking honest questions with the right motive?

    11. (a) What natural desire can ensnare us? (b) How can we muster the courage to withstand peer pressure?

    12. What principle and what example can fortify us to stand our ground when our trust in God is involved?

    13. Why is it the course of wisdom to make known our identity as Christians?

    14. Should ridicule or opposition discourage us? Explain.

    15, 16. (a) What is our spiritual heritage? (b) How can we benefit from pondering our spiritual heritage in the light of God's Word?

    17. What more is needed than merely relying on our spiritual heritage?

    18. How can Christian activities enhance our sense of Christian identity?

    19, 20. (a) What benefits have you personally enjoyed by being a Christian? (b) What gives us the basis for our true identity?

    Do You Recall?

    Why is it vital for Christians to safeguard their spiritual identity?

    How can we firmly establish our Christian identity?

    When faced with the question of whom to please, what factors can help us make the right decision?

    How can a strong sense of identity shape our future as Christians?

  • Gill

    Thankyou Blondie!

    when I read your reviews I always understand more why Jehovah's Witnesses are so 'dizzy' confused, and stressed.

    Enough that you have to read this, but to have to believe it and live your life in this see saw backward way was, and is for those who still do, intolerable. If Big Brother bOrg is constantly twisting and turning in it's own instructions, and back tracking and denying all that it's said in the past, those who hang on it's every word are too confused to even begin to understand what is being done to their minds.

    I sometimes can't believe that I used to sit and listen to this crazy talk!

  • Goldminer

    Hi Blondie,

    Great review once again.I only made it halfway through because it is just too obvious that the WTS really wants to be the mediator between true christians(anointed-144000) and God and kinda kick Jesus to the curb.It is very frustrating to see how they write articles to make themselves look good and make those who don't go along with them look bad.

    I once told a CO who came over to "encourage" me that MT23:23 and 1COR 13:3 applied to the local body of elders.He didn't have much to say about that.He then said he'd like to help me with my questions and doubts so I showed him some of my research on 587/607 bce.Well that turned into a few e-mail correspondences with culminated guessed it!!!!...WAIT ON JEHOVAH!

    I' m still waiting.

    Anyways,great work again,and yes,you're right I won't hear those comments at the wt study...I won't be there.


  • Honesty

    No wonder reading the WT always made me feel like this:

    I will not be at the WT Study.... ever again.

  • upside/down

    As much as I used to detest ENDURING the WT "study, I LOVE your review with commentary Blondie!

    The "spiritual food" is cold and bland.

    It tastes like "school food".

    u/d (of the needs some salt class)

  • Leolaia

    Another thorough deconstruction of the language and assumptions in a WT article. I was beginning to wonder if Christ was mentioned at all in that article; all I found was one reference to Jesus coming like a thief in the night -- of course they would pick an apocalyptic reference and not one of the zillion references to Jesus as Lord or his love. If anything would define Christian identity (at least in the NT or Paul) it was declaring Jesus as Lord and the faith in his resurrection.

  • xjwms

    THANK YOU ....(((BLONDIE)))

    The buzz words are so real the way you show them.

    I always knew something was wrong with the way it was written, Now we know.

  • TheOneBuck

    Wow that is a lot of work Blondie... thank you for the effort I really enjoy these post

  • heathen

    Brilliant job again blondie . I didn't make it through the whole thing about half way . I'll finish it later tho . Just a sad thing a woman like you is already taken , insert big smootch here ,mmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuuuahhhhhhhhhh .

    Are you saying an elder told you they were psychic , with the comment on they know what you are thinking ?

  • Flash

    As always Blondie I enjoy reading your insightful take on the WT. I noticed recently your training your readers to think in terms of 'How To' read/review the WT.

    This should be your Signiture Scripture Blondie:

    Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world . 1 JOHN 4:1

    It's a funny thing for "Christains" to live under so much of the Law Code as the GB teaches everyone to do. No one seems to question (outwardly anyway) the many so-called priciples they state as doctrinal absolutes!?


    8 By asking Jehovah to examine us , we invite him to test us. He may allow situations to develop that reveal our true motives and heart condition. (Hebrews 4:12, 13; James 1: 22-25) We should welcome such tests because they give us an opportunity to demonstrate the depth of our loyalty to Jehovah.

    By asking Jehovah to "examine us" we are not nessesarily inviting Him to test us. Besides, there are differant types of tests, tests that are positive and build character and strength and tests of loyalty to God that are Satanic and evil. I believe God uses only the positive ones, as for those that if we failed, would/could cost us our lives, no, He doesn't test us with those...But Satan will, as he did with Jesus and Job.

    Concerning those Satanic tests of loyalty, it is very important for us to obey what Jesus taught when He told us what to pray for:

    "...and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one." Matthew 6: 13 NIV

    We will all have to face varying degrees of tests of loyalty as Jesus did. In the meantime we definately should follow JESUS instructions and not ask for those tests.

    We are follower of Christ, right???

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