Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-3-05 WT Study (complete)

by blondie 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bennyk

    Thank you very much for that most informative post. It would seem that after one has failed to attend a single KH meeting for six months, the mags are no longer forthcoming. We miss the (unintended) entertainment factor forever found in the "spiritual banquet" provided by the "sole channel". Thanks for sharing!

    I don't think "asking honest questions with the right motive" (para. 10) will get any traction, though. More likely greased skids leading to DF/DA-Land. (Honest STATEMENTS with or without motive are really beyond the Pale... It's best for me to avoid the pleasure of their company; I have terminal foot-in-mouth disease.)

  • Scully
    "dear older ones, steadfastly living up to their dedication to Jehovah despite the maladies of advanced age."

    Translation: if they can be at the meetings with their ailments, there is no excuse for anyone else to miss a meeting due to illness.

    Alternate translation: Don't forget to throw them a bone of civility and kindness every so often. We can't afford for them to quit now, because they've bequeathed their estates to us.

    w03 5/15 p. 21 Remain Steadfast, and Win the Race for Life ***

    Even some steadfast ones with many years of faithful service to God behind them may be undergoing a test because their expectations have not yet been completely fulfilled.

    Who caused them to have their expectations in the first place?? Would they have entertained their expectations if the WTS had not constantly, for decades, published Promises? that Soon? Millions Now Living Will Never Die? or that The Generation That Saw The Beginning of The Last Days in 1914 Would Live to See Armageddon?? If you put shingles on your roof that have a guaranteed 50 year lifespan, and they fail after 20 years, don't you have some kind of recourse with the manufacturer to either fix the problem or refund your money?? Why isn't the WTS being held accountable for its faulty Promises? and the incalculable personal costs that people have had to suffer because of buying the WTS's faulty Promises???

    Without well-defined direction or goals

    *** w81 12/1 p. 27 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***However, it may have seemed to some as though that path has not always gone straight forward. ("Without well-defined direction or goals", you mean?) At times explanations given by Jehovah?s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. This might be compared to what is known in navigational circles as ?tacking.? By maneuvering the sails the sailors can cause a ship to go from right to left, back and forth, but all the time making progress toward their destination in spite of contrary winds. And that goal in view for Jehovah?s servants is the ?new heavens and a new earth? of God?s promise.?2 Pet. 3:13.

    I thought "tacking into the wind" was supposed to be a good thing. Oh. I get it, now. It's good when the WTS does it, but bad when JWs or unbaptized children of JWs do it. Ok. That makes perfect sense now.

    Only Jehovah is able to fathom our inner person?our motives, thoughts, and emotions.

    Except when the Elders? DF or DA and Inactive? person without first approaching them about allegations of wrongdoing that have been made against them. Or except when other JWs speculate and gossip about you behind your back about why you no longer go to meetings or Door-to-Door?.

    Solomon ?OT example again as how to live a "Christian" life

    Where do we sign up to be one of the 300 wives and 700 concubines? (Note to self: call Gumby)

    Caleb staunchly refused to go along with the majority ?Another OT example of how to be a Christian

    Shouldn't the Israelites (being Antitypical? of the 144,000) have considered Caleb to be an Apostate? for refusing to go along with the majority??

    But where does the ultimate responsibility lie if we are to persevere in our way of life based on the truth? Really, the responsibility rests with each one of us. And that is true both under normal circumstances and in difficult times. Consider the following incident.

    In Scotland some young lambs were grazing in a pasture when one of them strayed to the side of a hillock and tumbled onto a ledge below. It was uninjured, but it was frightened and unable to climb back. So it started to bleat plaintively. Its mother heard it, and she too began to bleat until the shepherd came and retrieved the young lamb.

    Notice the sequence of events. The lamb called for help, the ewe added her voice to its cries, and the alerted shepherd sprang into action to rescue it. If a very young animal and its mother can sense danger and immediately call for help, should we not do the same when we stumble spiritually or face unexpected dangers from Satan?s world?

    Yet, what usually happens when a JW falls ill - physically - and asks the congregation for assistance? What happens when they ask the Elders? for help to get to the meetings and go out in Service? because they desire to keep Serving Jehovah?? How often do we hear the Elders? (or more often, their wives, or JWs in general) bitching and moaning about how busy they are? How often do Brothers? and Sisters? stop by your house to use your bathroom because they were in the Territory?, but didn't have 5 minutes to see if you were really ok? Or how about Pioneers? who can't be bothered to assist Publishers? who are struggling to get in Service?, and tell these Honest Hearted? people to "get your own damn Bible Study?"? Do they really give a crap about the Lost Sheep? caught in the well? It sure doesn't seem that way.

    Love, Scully

  • VM44

    Hi Blondie!

    "On another thread on JWD, there are examples of how "experiences" were edited/improved by the CO and DO until the account was unrecognizable to the one relating the "experience.""

    Where is that thread? I want to read it, but cannot find it!


  • ezekiel3
    Define our identity in part by belonging to a group?are JWs taught that they are nothing without the group?


    "Where else would we go to?" the plaintive cry of those who patiently numb their cognizance.

  • cyberguy

    Thanks again blondie, for your timely summary. I must say that I can no longer read the WT rubbish directly (I get physically sick), but I actually enjoy your coverage, because it summarizes what I believe to be true. Thanks again! I?m trying to keep up with the WT "chariot," so as to know best how to help those who come out and want help! Your comments are very helpful in this regard.


  • EvilForce

    I'm with you cyberguy... I really get a sick feeling in my stomach when I read this trash. Makes me remember all the suck ups who would be answering at the WT study regurgitating the vomit back to the conductor. Ick!

    Blondie, thank you for the hard work. Your footnoting and what not show the utter double speak and circular dogma they keep pushing into "believers" minds.

    I unfortunately still have my parents, my sister and 1 brother stuck in this stupid cult.

  • heathen

    Scully --- I like this

    Alternate translation: Don't forget to throw them a bone of civility and kindness every so often. We can't afford for them to quit now, because they've bequeathed their estates to us.

    Nowhere in the article does it suggest doing anything for them , they just want to use them as examples for the slackers . Now you look here if 80yr old ned flanders can make a meeting you know you should be doing alot more . How about offering ned a ride to meetings every once in awhile to keep the old people from driving , for one thing. How about associating with them once in awhile such as offering food or financial aid . Oh I know he's too old to pioneer so let's just throw him a few crumbs .

  • willyloman

    Brilliant, insightful and comprehensive summary of the WT, Blondie. I always enjoy these analytical trips down memory lane. My God! Where to start... perhaps here:

    If we begin to have disturbing questions about our Christian identity, it is time to examine closely the quality and the depth of this relationship. ....Why is such an examination vital? Because we ourselves cannot be reliable assessors of our own deepest motives and innermost inclinations.

    In other words, if we begin to question the WTS and its convoluted scriptural interpretations and doctrinal horse manure, which any reasonable person is bound to do in time, we must immediately shut down the engine of our mind and "examine closely" our relationship with the WTS. Why? Because we aren't capable of thinking for ourselves and the Society, well, they've already done all the research for us.

    That appeased me for far longer than I like to admit, but not any more.

    This entire article is about losing one's "identity" as a witness, which they liken to "going back to Satan" and indulging in shameful behavior. But, thanks to the internet, we know of countless former brothers and sisters who "lost" their JW identity and found themselves, found a better form of godly devotion, and found a more meaningful satisfying life. How does the WTS square that with their scare tactics? Their answer: We don't have to. Just apply more guilt and keep those sheep in the pen -- we need the wool.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I say Blondie runs for president of the United States! She'd get my vote. As usual, awesome review.


  • jillbedford

    I never had a family Watchtower study like this one.......

    Thank you Blondie for your patience to get the current WT literature, this must take some effort in itself and the time to break down each and every thought. Truly inciteful and much appreciated. I read every bit of it!

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