JW Mother Mourns Pope's Death

by homme perdu 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jeanniebeanz

    My husband was raised a Southern Baptist and is a very conservative fundamentalist Christian. I was surprised at his reaction to the news coverage of the Pope's passing. It made him mad. When I asked him why, his answer was filled with the most disgust and hatred of the dude. I was shocked.

    Now granted he is much younger than I am, and I think that makes a difference for some people who have never witnessed him working in his prime and have always seen him as a feeble old man with alzhimers. He knew nothing of this mans life or contribution to society, his work to promote social and religious healing across many denominational lines, his political work to champion human rights, his charity work. He knew nothing of the man except that he was the head of a "child abusing religion", and as Pope was fair game to malign. Child abuse is sick, but the Catholic Church does not stand alone in having problems with this in its ranks. Many religions struggle to cope with child abuse.

    This reaction is *not* like my husband who is actually very tolerant and has a real "live and let live" attitude about most things. I was shocked.

    I actually had to show him a summary of the body of the work of JPII for him to understand what the big deal was with this Pope. He was surprised at the amount of work JPII had done, whether or not you agree with him, he worked very hard to help people. He informed me that growing up a Southern Baptist, he had been taught in the church that the Pope was reigning with authority from the Devil, and that he was a person to be despised. I think he was surprised to find that the man did not have horns and a tail and had actually done a lot of good things.

    As ex-witnesses we take a certain amount of religious intolerance and hatred out of the organization with us, but we are by no means alone in this. I think that anyone who was raised in a highly controlled group that believes that it is the only "truth" will have these issues to deal with. These prejudices operate at a subconscious level and every once in a while something will trigger it much to our own surprise. We deal with it, many times saying to ourselves, "Where did that come from?!" This was one of those instances for Hubby.

    At this point, I'm rambling, but wanted to share this experience...


  • diamondblue1974
    No Sorry that is wrong- They believe if you heard the truth ( their truth) you dont get another chance

    Thanks to everyone for their comments regarding the question i asked....things are a little faded given ive been out for such a long while...

    Back on topic...

    Its right to be sad about the popes death if you are that way inclined...I dont know him personally or have that much knowledge about his life but apparently he did some good and was an inspirational leader. He will be missed by his followers no doubt.


  • melmac


    I don't know how old your hubbie is, but my gf is 32 and she was pretty able to understand the importance of JP-II... so maybe that's not the point.

    Anyway, I was much shocked at the way most people in the board reacted to his death. Some seemed VERY glad about it. Which to me seems strange, coming from an ex-JW point of view. I wonder, for instance, if people will commemorate the passing of Jesse Jackson, one day. Or even someone from the GB. All those are against abortion, homossexuality, women as leaders... etc etc.

  • BrendaCloutier

    homme, that's awesome! Yes, she showed the love of the Christ when she acknowledged his good heart.

    I cried a little with his death. He was a humble dignified man and displayed this dignity right up to his death overlooking Vatican square. Simply amazing.

  • disciple

    I believe I have seen 3 Popes in my lifetime, I will miss this one the most.

    I love God and I have respect for religion but I think all religion is from men.

    I was searching my heart and I do believe I will feel more sorrow over the Pope's death than

    any member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Goodbye John.

  • AuntieJane

    I'm glad to hear of your mom's feelings; I wish she would share it with some JW's.

    Also, to whoever posted about the Southern Baptist husband's comments...I am NOT surprised; I have heard a SB preacher spewing hatred about Catholics from the radio more than I care to count. Needless to say, I turn them off as soon as their hateful words come out. I'm glad you were able to educate your hubby.

  • sting

    How sad that we judge this man by his religious stance. Every human being has the image of God stamped all over them.

    There is something of Christ in EVERYONE - our job is to find it!


  • prophecor

    I believe, collectively, that we come from a religion that has never been tolerant of anyone's but our own. We are taught to believe that every other religion is from the Devil, so it only stands to reason that some are going to have a negative bias towards him.

    I don't mourn his death so much as I respect the things that he tried to accomplish. He was a gifted man, and he showed by way of his life, the sanctity that he held for it, his and every one elses. He would not bow down to popular opinion when it came to his beliefs, such as abortion, birth control, the death penalty and a host of other publicly unpopular positions.

    Even in his death, he lived life to the fullest by showing with great humility, the face of pain, that some too will suffer. He did not try to hide from the public the fact that his dying was an excruciatingly painful process. He, however, died with dignity, grace, and courage, facing it headlong until the end. I only hope that I can die half as well as he.

  • bebu

    What an encouraging remark... are you sure she's a JW? I suspect my JW friend will make a rude remark...

    Reading JP2's biography, I am greatly impressed with his bravery, love, and humility. If I only had 20% of the great-heartedness he has shown in life, I would be lucky blessed.


  • gdt

    May I say, from an old bloke's point of view, that most of your remarks have been very kind and understanding re the Pope's death. I have to say to several hard commenters that JW's do believe strongly that it is not our place as humans to judge anyone else, of any persuasion or lack of faith or whatever, there is only One appointed by God as Judge...

    None, not one, of us. Not you either!

    I trust you all accept and believe that too. Some individuals in the organization may/are presuming and judgmental, but nowehere has the Society ever suggested any individuals would not receive a resurrection. (well let's overlook the guys from Sodom and Gomorrah...I don't know what to think on that except to say the society/system/ of wrong will not be kept in Jehovah's new system, and as to the individuals who were awful humans, let's wait and see what the only Judge Jesus Christ does.

    Thanks for reading my take of this, and thanks on behalf of those of you who spoke so well of witnesses you know, even if you were surprised!



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