sting! you hit the nail on the head!..people seem to hate people because of the religion they choose!..thats so stupid to me.a religion doesn't define ones heart.i wish people focus more on loving people because we are all gods children( though some don't agree).like i said before...i don't give a damn on what your beliefs are..i love people because i have that god-given heart to do if you don't like me because of my religion or beliefs,or you choose to judge me because you hate my religion...or beliefs...then its on you(not you sting lol,speaking in general).and it makes you look bad.and for those who don't believe in can i hate on you? you have a right to feel the way you do. i never worry about the way people feel towards me.not being mean..i just have other important things to worry about!
JW Mother Mourns Pope's Death
by homme perdu 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good for your mom. I think my mom might feel the same. They are good, caring people in spite of being JWs. I am too young to remember the previous pope, but I recall a lot of what this pope did. I felt sorry for him that in his last days he could barely speak. But at least he looked death square in the face and said "come on, gimme what ya got" and that's more than I can probably say for myself.