Elders, has there been any "official" push to target and eliminate faders?

by AlmostAtheist 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Knowing your environment, DK, I send my commiserations. They're hopeless! The funny thing is, Bethel thinks so too - not that they'll never admit it publicly but behind closed doors you should hear what they really think of the BOE concerned.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • AlmostAtheist

    Hang in there, Dark Knight. We're listen to listen if you need to vent, or work through whatever comes up in the next few months.


  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Thanks ozzie, a part of me is really hating the JW's now and another part pities them.

    For 4 years i've treated my family and any JW's I run across with respect. I've never tried to criticize their faith or put across any of my own personal beliefs. My attitude was one of non-interference. But now all of a sudden i realise that all that was pointless.

    How do you deal with it when your family can't have anything to do with you anymore?

    I guess i'll have to sort it all out once the anger dies down.

  • ozziepost


    Stick to you guns! You may find that your family changes. Just take your position, don't waiver, and it may happen.

    Give us a ring when you can.

    BTW the apostates restaurant closed but we'll be seeing a new one near you opening up this month. Time for a shiraz?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Thanks AlmostAthiest, your words are much appreciated.

    Hey ozzie, after all the recent dramas i've decided to move. I'm heading to the beach =D.

    Maybe we can have another apost8 restaurant near the beach??


    Never had a visit in the six years since I was df'd.




    No official directive from the top. Its just typical "Post-Memorial CYA" time for the elders.

    Question: Since many of you have discovered the truth about the WT do you really think that some of elders cared at all? It seems that many of you still harp on the lack of visits, non caring of the elders, etc. Now that you know there is no holy spirit directing them isnt it obvious why they behaved that way? Not defending them but just asking why the expectations for "loving visits" from them is still there with some of you.

  • Crumpet

    i think it was important for the elders to LOOK as though they cared in 98% of the elders. However when I was working towards reinstatement in my early 20's in a new congregation where no one Knew me I experienced nothing but love and concern and help and they really recognised my efforts and diligence and would talk to me at the end of meetings which i found really helpful. However their interest just dropped off when I got DFed again within hours of being reinstated - can;t say I really blame them.

  • ithinkisee

    Good question XBEHERE.

    You should start a new thread with that so more people see it. I would be interested in hearing the responses. I have wondered the same thing about people who harp on lack of love after learning the TRUTH about the truth.



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