Dog food!!!!!!!!
admit it
by tijkmo 65 Replies latest jw experiences
Big Dog
I really hate when somebody sh*ts all over your thread. They start having a personal conversation off topic or something like that. GBL
Be glad then that your not posting on JWO, the sisters over there highjack threads and start conversations on them, it's rude and inconsiderate to the person that took the time to start a topic. If you need to chit chat or want to talk about something else then use the chat room or IM.
Actually< I'm used to it I was the middle child, always ignored-----so I post for my reasons, I feel maybe someone is reading a respose or expierience I shared and could relate or just have a laugh or two, I lurked for so long, but read everything you all wrote, so I know there might be another middle child like me reading this and saying "hey that sounds like me, I think I will join JWD."...that's all, just go right by me I'm used to that.........the only one who gives me a thought is Big Dog,he is my favorite bull dog................
sweet tee
I'm used to it I was the middle child, always ignored-----so I post for my reasons, I feel maybe someone is reading a respose or expierience I shared and could relate or just have a laugh or two, I lurked for so long, but read everything you all wrote, so I know there might be another middle child like me reading this and saying "hey that sounds like me, I think I will join JWD
Shania ... that sounds so much like me. I lurked for months ... now I post and feel like a stranger but it's OK. I read a lot of comments I like and don't cut and paste for lack of time.
So if I do try and start a thread now I won't feel so bad when it dies out ... I'll be in good company
zen nudist
I know that I like feedback, and I suspect most others do as well... we cast our bread upon the waters and hope it will return to us 100 fold...
sometimes I feel like I am starving to death here... and just when I am near to cyber death in this place, someone toss a crumb of acknowledgement and sustains my emaciated cyber hide for another day
I am chat junk food junky looking for my fix, I admit it... I am seeking many accomplices to commit pre-meditated chronocide and I dont always get the fix I need here, but I dont have many other forums that do I come to the trough and beg for my daily bread :-)
sometimes I feel like I am starving to death here... and just when I am near to cyber death in this place, someone toss a crumb of acknowledgement and sustains my emaciated cyber hide for another day
man that is sheer poetry
hi dragonlady-shania-sweet tee-zen nudist
see what i did here..bttt
Hey Purple you know you want me! I polished up my glasses and took out my retainer and I'm ready to party!! Now get up on that literature counter and testify girl!
(still sh*tting on the thread)
hemp lover
I admit it, tijkmo. You're right. I feel invisible here 90% of the time. Guess I need to flirt more.
Shania/sweet tee, middle children/longtime lurkers unite! Actually I signed up and then lurked.
Zen nudist, though I've never told you so (till now), I always enjoy your comments. So pounce on that crumb (you're welcome) and scurry back from whence ye came.
buttlight! are you saying all your posts on my thread were pity