What is Jacko's status as a JW????

by mrd83 20 Replies latest social current

  • mrd83

    I know he was raised as a Witness and he wrote the apology letter(which was published in the Watchtower) as well as giving the WTS a boatload of money($$$millions$$$) over the fallout of his Thriller album. Recently he proclaimed his faith in Jehovah as if he is still a JW and his father who kicked the crap out of his kids(requisite to raising a fine JW family) as well as his mother are attending court. What is this guys status?? btw....if anyone has that letter of apology, I'd love to see it posted. I have a copy stashed somewhere to break out one day to show my children about the JW religion and it's correlation to the almighty dollar.


  • Survive1999

    Worst argument for being a JW:

    Micheal Jackson is a JW! You could grow up to be like him!

    Run screaming in terror!

  • freedom96

    In 1987 Michael Jackson da'd himself with a quick, short statement.

  • what_Truth?

    Michael Jackson's father was never a baptized JW. Only his mother joined the cult

  • steve2

    Michael Jackson could be considered a "success" in terms of his being raised under the JW influence: Unlike unknown numbers of his peers raised in the religion, at least he's still alive!

  • Oroborus21

    Never heard or saw of such an apology letter printed in the Watchtower. I would like to see the reference/proof otherwise this is just a nice JW urban legend.


    PS: I know that after the release of Thriller (and assumably catching hell from the brothers) that the later versions of the video included a disclaimer at the beginning that the video didn't reflect the personal beliefs or something like that...but that is all I have ever seen.

  • professor

    I remember reading his apology in one of the magazines around Thriller time. Anyone got the date on it?

  • blondie

    *** g84 5/22 pp. 19-20 What About Music Videos? ***


    Would Never Do It Again!"

    In another popular video, Thriller, the performer is seen to transform first into a "cat person," then a dancing "monster." Evidently not wanting viewers to conclude that it promoted spiritism, the film begins with the disclaimer: "Due to my strong personal convictions, I wish to stress that this film in no way endorses a belief in the occult.?Michael Jackson." Nevertheless, it was so realistic that some who saw it admitted that they were horrified at first. What was this short film intended to convey? And how does the performer, Michael Jackson, feel about it in looking back?

    "I would never do it again!" says Jackson. "I just intended to do a good, fun short film, not to purposely bring to the screen something to scare people or to do anything bad. I want to do what?s right. I would never do anything like that again." Why not? "Because a lot of people were offended by it," explains Jackson. "That makes me feel bad. I don?t want them to feel that way. I realize now that it wasn?t a good idea. I?ll never do a video like that again!" He continues: "In fact, I have blocked further distribution of the film over which I have control, including its release in some other countries. There?s all kinds of promotional stuff being proposed on Thriller. But I tell them, ?No, no, no. I don?t want to do anything on Thriller. No more Thriller.?"

  • blondie


    This is a form letter sent to the District Convention Committees in the United States to prepare them for a response to the question, "What is the standing of Michael Jackson among the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses?"

    Speculation has it that Michael worked a deal with the Watchtower's Service Dept. to avoid the classification of "disfellowshipped," for whatever reason. Perhaps this is a new category of person: not disfellowshipped, but disassociated, but not to be avoided as "bad association."

  • rebel8

    I wish a current JW would submit a Questions From Readers about this issue and see what happens.

    It is strange for the WTS not to issue a statement about this is in some form. They published the thingee about Thriller in the magazine, for Pete's sake! Now he's (allegedly) a child molester, a cross-dresser, dangled an infant over a balcony, advocates adults to share a bed with unrelated children, and is praying with a Protestant minister, all while claiming to still be a dub....higher crimes than doing a video about monsters, even in dubspeak. Why are they silent on this issue?

    I'm going to guess and say that he is still affiliated in some way, they're embarassed, so they're keeping silent. If he was DFd or had DAd, they would be proud of "keeping the cong clean" and would be making that public.

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