Part of what I mean about us pretending we are not animals is the way the nature of our consciousness makes it feel like there is a little man/god inside.
Giving into the delusion of consciousness and thinking in terms of little men is just part of the process of pretending we are not animals. It's an understandable delusion - but not a helpful one.
And whilst we all do it all the time I think we have to understand it's just a way of coping with our nature rather than a representation of it.
Think of a pocket calculator. It processes environmental inputs (button pushes), puts them through a 'hidden process' (our subconscious) and sends a result to a display subsystem (our conscious mind). Often the environmental input will go along several paths before delivering a result.
No little man, just a mechanistic process.
Human thought and action is not normally - if ever - a single linear subconscious mental process, but is the averaged result of many subconscious mental processes. A conscious 'thought' is not a neuron's output, it is a consensus of lots of neurons, if you will.
We massively 'parallel process'. Our conscious mind fills with the result of these parallel processes. Normally there will be a clear consensus among the many parallel processes, so our mind gets a clear 'result'.
Sometimes our conscious mind cannot draw a clear result from our subconscious processes. This is especially obvious when people are tongue tied, confused, drowsy or shocked.
It might 'feel' like a little man, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
However, there is an extremely complex universe -- including the bodies and mind we identify with -- which came into being with absolutely no input from us. It would seem there certainly is an intelligence beyond the human mind.
Mmm... that's more of a statement than a reasoned argument. Why should the Universe require an intelligence beyond the human mind? How do you know that the Universe is not wholly a product of your mind? If a such intelligence comes about as a result of mechanistic processes that made this Universe, how is this anymore relevant to our understanding of the Universe than the human conceptualisation of there being a 'little man' inside is to our understanding of the human mind?
Nope, the watchmaker argument is not a reasoned argument for god, it's a statement that there is a god. Two different things. When did your watch put on a mating display and mate with another watch? Or divide into two? Or respire?
what happens when "thinking" stops and the mind simply perceives
Semantic mine-field ahoy! Nakissos got there before me, but... how can a mind perceive without thinking? The senses inputs are not something one can disconnect. One can school ones mind to give a semblance of calm, but surely this is just the result of a sub-routine itself, i.e. a thought process. It's like saying you can only join a club if you can stand in a corner for half an hour and not think of polar bears...
Could someone point me to a good resource for starting out on TM? I'm quite happy to give it a serious go, as without doing so I either have to assume people I respect are talking out their hats as it goes beyond anything I've experienced, or accept on trust something that I haven't experienced is not just a conceptualisation.