None yet as I am just starting to fade.... I have a feeling that it will include most of my family 3 generations. My wife doesn't know yet, about how I feel. The future looks bleak on that front. BA.
by Dansk 117 Replies latest members private
Greetings All!
Great idea for a thread Mr. Dansk / Ian. Out of four children, my oldest sister and my brother and myself got involved in the wicked watchtower cult. Not my parents. My oldest sister and her hubby continue to be mind-numb lockstep dubs who wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they weren't. Haven't ( and don't give a rats-ass if I ever do again) spoken with them in years, even though all I did was stop going. Like GaryBuss has said and I will use his line of reasoning. They do not meet my minimum standards to have audience with me. Screw them. They can die alone.
My brother and his wife are still in a state of free fall having the proverbial watchtower power mongering rug (he was an"elder" for years) pulled out from under them. They think they've been hit by a locomotive.
My wife and I forced the watchtower bullshit down our boys throats for 25 years or so, but strike up the band, none of them stuck with it.
And I have a quacky mother in law who thinks I care that she snubs me. Kinda reminds me of the old George Jones song "She Still Thinks I Care. She's wrong, I don't.
This thread clearly demonstrates that the WT has done more to destroy families than any other single factor all in the name of God. It makes me sick to even ponder this kind of crap. I want to puke.
In '92, having been away from it for twenty years, my father returned to the WT. At frist nothing changed between us. When it became apparent to him I wasn't going to follow his lead the shunning began. He would drop around and visit my wife and daughter when I wasn't home. To this day my daughter does not understand/accept the reasons for the shunning. I have found that most "worldly" folks don't. What a great witness they give for Jehovah, eh. You would think they would wake up and realize no one out side the Tower accepts their practise as being valid, or biblical. Never happen though.
My father died in '94 from heart failure. I was with him to the end. No JWs were present, just me, him and hospital staff. They came out of the wood work for the funeral, but that's another story...
Victorian sky
Ian, great to hear from you. This is a sad topic. I am so sorry about your two daughters. I pray that the situation for you and for all of us changes for the better and that our broken families can heal somehow. My mother and father in law and my sister in law have refused contact with us for the past 2 months. Neither my husband or I are disfellowshiped or disassociated yet thanks to the lack of love in the WTS, they feel the need to shun us. We sent them a card and present for their anniversary anyway. No matter, how unloving, cold or harsh their actions, due to the JW religion, we are determined to shower them with love, kindness and compassion. Our love for them will never die and I'm praying that love will win in the end. - Love and best wishes to you and your family, V Sky
To reiterate and start the thread off: I have lost two daughters, aged 25 & 21, to Watchtower. They have refused any contact what-so-ever with the rest of the family for the past two years.
Since I wrote the above over a year ago Stephanie, my younger daughter, is out of the org., living at home and going to university. However, I thought it time to bring this thread back to the top due to the number of new heart-breaking stories. Please post your story here as it will help you heal and also others! Thanks!!
I lost my wife shortly after I DA'd. My mother, a JW, doesn't shun me.
On a positive note, I have the rest of my family back. Not that my Catholic family ever shunned me, but when I joined the cult I withdrew from my family, and had very little to do with them. They were very supportive when I left the cult, and never once gave me the shit I so richly deserved for all my years of being an asshole to them. Today I enjoy a good relationship with my 2 sisters, brother-in-law, 3 nieces, 2 nephews, their spouses, and their children which include 7 girls and 3 boys. One of the girls was born just last week.
Our holiday family get togethers absolutely rock!
Just saw this so thought what the hell might as well add my 10p
Born and bred pretty much so Dad, Mum and bro, although they pop round as they want to see the kids. I ain't DFD or DA but they have said contact will be limited. This amuses me because if the Big A is just around the corner and I am goin down would you not want to spend time with that person knowing you will never see them again??? That really pisses me off!!
Everyone on my Mum's side doesn't want anything to do with us, which is cool.
On the wifes side it is Mum, Dad, sister and a large number of that family as well, not too bothered about that although the wee wife misses contact with her sister which is of course restricted.
I loath the borg and the fact that they got my family into it, why can't they see what I see? They say they hurt but there is no need for it, how do they think I feel, do they think I am doing this for the fun of it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrgghhhh it gets me so angry
Anyway you get one shot best make the best of it
I am an only child raised in the truth. My parents were the only ones in their family to be JW's, so I have only lost the two of them. I don't know my other relatives that well though because they always got together on Holidays and of course, I wasn't there.
My stepmom, who's been my only mom, and my stepbrother. I've drifted away from my biological (all non jw) family since becoming involved w/the jdubs.