Funny thing, I am not OFFICIALLY df'd or da'd, I merely faded. But after my sister's death (she was df'd at age 16 HOW LOVING)she left behind 10 month old twins. My mom and stepfather tried to get custody of the babies and an all-out legal battle ensued. I testified about the abuses that went on in our home as children and how witness children are raised so socially crippled. Without getting too in-depth about the court case, let's just say that they won't speak to me. My stepfather said a year and a half ago when I called to try and speak to my mother,"Who are you?! You're nothing! NOTHING! F*** you!" My reply was, "Wow, coming from the Christian!" That was the end of that. I guess I'm an apostate.
by Dansk 117 Replies latest members private
I've been reading through the pages of this thread in tears at so many heartbreaking stories. That mean little cult has a lot to answer for!
I;m one of the lucky ones in that I have no other family who became a jw, but of course I lost virtually every friend I had when I da'd last year.
Wife and two daughters, not spoken to for 5 years.
Sorry not entirely correct. Met wife in hospital about 6 months ago when our eldest son (DA'd) was rushed in with appendicitis. I met her in waiting room she said "Hello, how are you?" That was it, nothing more after that, after not seeing or speaking since 2001. She just spoke to my sons non-JW wife. Who felt uncomfortable about it.
Next day on visiting son, I didn't even get "Hello". She spoke again spoke to sons wife,
Still not seen or spoken to two daughters (28 & 21). Though have been told that they passed within feet of me while out in shopping centre.
Like Dansk, there is some good news since my last post earlier this year. My eldest daughter is still a dub, but, a very weak one. She's smoking, so she knows she's 'living on borrowed time'...that WT axe is hanging over her head. We've had a 'on again - off again' relationship since my dub wife and I separated a decade ago.
Now, tho' things are getting much warmer. A couple of times she and my grankids have spent the night here with me and my sweet non-dub wife. But, my other 2 kids...I have neither seen or heard from in 2 and 4 complete is their un-official shunning. You see, like many others here, I have never been DF/DA. My uber dub X-wife divorced me, because, I was a "spiritual danger" to her and by proxy -- our kids. I stopped going to most meetings and began......q-u-e-s-t-i-o-n-i-n-g a few doctrines and practices of our True Religion ? .
So, naturally Loving Christian Principles ? just had to be applied. I am Bad Association ? . For everyone's good spiritual health...I had to go.
After a decade...there is finally some good improvement going on. Here's to the next ten years...I won't stop until they are all back in my life. What else do I have to do with my time ?
Don't fret wascally wabbit! That Axe is hanging over the entire cult they just don't ALL know it yet! Hahahahahaha
As to my losses my older brother and his wife my parents are hot and cold but that's about it! My two best friends are both ex witnesses one fader who still believes and one df'ed!
F*ck um their end is coming and I really think we are all going to see it!
south african beef
Haven't spoken to my mum, dad or brother since I was booted out of the org over 4 years ago. I don't expect to speak to them again to be truthful. Also after divorcing my first wife my eldest son hasn't spoken to me, though he is being poisoned by her and I am hopeful that one day there will be a reunion. SAB
My one & only daughter. Thank gawd my son is out.
Mum, Dad, sister (althouth I do have some limited contact with them). 2 X grandmothers. 3 X aunts, their husbands and children. All my 'friends' as I was a jw from the age of 0 - 35. Their loss!
Although I'm not DF'd or DA'd, almost everyone in my extended family who are JWs have nothing to do with me, because I support the Silentlambs cause.
I am neither Df'd or Da'd, but my mother, and any aunts and uncles which she can talk into shunning me. My father is dead and was considered an apostate but never shunned by anyone, one brother is dead and never joined, and my other brother has little to do with anyone.
Thankfully most cousins are out.
So I have my immediate family which is most important, Husband and sons and my mother-in-law and 2 brother's-in-law. Sister-in-law is a JW and a real nut case.