Will a joint a day keep the doctor away???

by Elsewhere 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere


    Maybe smoke a doobie with that glass of wine!

    Experts: Marijuana ingredient slows heart disease in mice

    (AP) -- Low doses of the main active ingredient in marijuana slowed the progression of hardening of the arteries in mice, according to a new study.

    Experts stressed that the finding does not mean people should smoke marijuana in hopes of getting the same benefit.

    "To extrapolate this to, 'A joint a day will keep the doctor away,' I think is premature," said Dr. Peter Libby, chief of cardiovascular medicine at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital.

    The mouse work is presented in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature by Dr. Francois Mach of Geneva University Hospital in Geneva, Switzerland, and colleagues. He said in an e-mail that he believed future work will focus on finding drugs that mimic the benefit without producing marijuana's effects on the brain.

    Hardening of the arteries sets the stage for heart attacks. Inflammation plays a key role in the condition, characterized by a progressive buildup on the inside walls of blood vessels. So Mach and colleagues explored the anti-inflammatory effects of marijuana's main active ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.

    They fed mice a high-cholesterol diet for 11 weeks. About halfway through that period, they started giving some of the mice very low, daily oral doses of THC -- too low to produce any marijuana-like changes in behavior. At the end of the experiment, mice that had gotten the THC showed less blood vessel clogging than did mice that got no THC.

    Related work showed no additional benefit from higher THC doses, such as a person would get from smoking marijuana, Mach noted.

    Researchers found that the benefit came from THC's effect on immune-system cells. It reduced their secretion of an inflammation-promoting substance and their migration to the vessel wall, researchers found.

    It apparently did that by binding to proteins called CB2 receptors, which are found mostly on immune-system cells. THC also targets CB1 receptors, found mostly in the brain. So the work suggests scientists should try to develop a drug that works on CB2 receptors while ignoring the brain receptors, Mach said.

    Libby, who did not participate in the study, said the work was valuable for identifying the CB2 receptor as a potential target for treatment in hardening of the arteries, and showing that a natural substance could help.

    But he noted that controlling one's weight, exercising and eating right have already been proven to reduce a person's risk of heart attacks and strokes from clogged arteries.

    Dr. Edward A. Fisher of the New York University School of Medicine said THC's impact on artery-clogging in the experiment was relatively modest, and that it's not clear that results would apply to people.

  • whyamihere

    I guess I will live a long life!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    good thing I read the entire article... I was wondering how they made such small joints and got the mice to "toke up".

    sure, it help the mice in one respect, but who's to say they're not going to get obese when they get the "munchies"..then they'll have another problem. (either that, or they'll take the "fat" rats and use them for some weight loss experiments).

  • heathen

    LOL . I think marijuana also has benefits for people that suffer stress disorders . I've done my own sutdies on this ............... bwahahahahaha who needs billion dollar grants on that one . I am willing to take the money tho ............. The problem with the stuff is the gateway drug theorists always seem to make it out like the next thing is everybody is a heroine addict or a crack addict .

  • talesin

    Since I have a disease that I can't take meds for, and it's very painful when it is acute, I have done a lot of research into the pros and cons of mj. This new finding does not surprise me.

    Mostly, I have folks give it to me when I am sick because they know it helps .... it's very hard to get medical mj here.

    The tar is not good for your lungs ... but you can eat it, and it gives relief for about 5-6 hours, and a good nite's sleep.

    In the past year, I have lost over 30 lbs due to my illness. MJ does not give me the munchines, it allows me to eat when I am really sick ...

    Thanks for the article, Elsewhere, perhaps it will help to change some folks perception (just a bit) of this useful, and yes abused by some, yet much-maligned herb.



    nad NO, my pour spellink skillz are not due to a ny ingestion of illeagle substances this mornign

  • kls

    Doctor ? i'm not sure but maybe my car insurance company. The last time i did the joint thing i hit a parked car,,,,lol,,,,thought it was moving.

  • heathen

    AHHHHHHHHH poor ((( talesin))) . I'm am sorry to hear you are sick and hope it isn't terminal . I wasn't aware that there was a law in cuba against drugs . I would be more inclined to think that since the embargo from the US that cuba would decide that growing tobacco was not as profitable as drugs . The money is there as well as the demand so it doesn't matter how many countries the US invades over it the stuff will always be around and growing somewhere . I've heard they are still growing opiates in bosnia and afghanistan despite the US intervention .

  • talesin

    Heathen ... oh, thank you so much, sweetie! No, it is just painful and a royal pain in the a$$! grrr

    and OOPS, I just fixed my profile,,, had the Cuban flag there for a while for personal reasons, but I am Canadian ... I'm sorry, I forgot I had the wrong country.


  • Bas

    Well I'm from Holland got them weedshops down the road from me, don't go there anymore though. When I smoke a joint I just get confused, not that nice feeling I had years ago when I first smoked it. Anyway, I do know the stuff is good for people with a hernia or cancerpatients getting chemotreatment (it works up their appetite and spirits). in Holland they've been crossbreeding the herb for years and now it's much more stronger than the original and I wonder if we will see negative effects of it in the future. I don't think many people in holland go on to using heroine or cocaine though because you really have to turn to dubious persons for that, while you can get the weed at the shop. I actually think it's a good thing that they separated the weed from the other drugs here. I'll just stick to my beer though, cheers


  • heathen

    I used to love the weed that made me laugh at just about any stupid thing , where you'd get a really good head rush when you started laughing . I don't touch the stuff anymore myself . I'm finding out you wind up with duputy dog up your wazzooooooooo over any of it and it aint worth the headache .

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