I used to have to smoke due to the car accident I was in.
At the hospital they gave me morphine and when I left 2 weeks later, they sent me home with demerol. I was on that for about 3 months when they said no more and cut me off of all pain meds. I had a broken hip, phemur bone, tail bone, two ribs, and wrist. I also had a fractured neck and the middle of my spine. I had to learn how to walk again after that. The only bone they could cast was my wrist, so I had to walk on broken bones. Now... anyone that knows anything about bones knows it takes at least one year for your hip to heal. But I was only given 3 months worth of pain meds. So the dilemma... I could either be in so much pain that I wanted to kill myself or I could do something illegal and live to talk about it. So "Ms. Laura Engles" decided to smoke. ha
That experience changed me forever. I used to think that people would make up how much pain they were in just to get drugs. Now I know, people who say that, have never experienced real pain before. It is cruel that the government is allowing this torture to go on everyday. For me, death wasn't the worst thing that could happen to me anymore. If you can find a way to get rid of your pain or stress and it's not hurting anyone else, then you should do it. Trouble is, you can't smoke it too much because you'll get cancer or get caught and thrown in prison with real criminals.
I find it ironic that the person who is insisting on tougher drug laws, G.W.B. is also a former coc- head. I heard he only quit about 4 years before he became Pres. Apparently, his brother and daughers did/do it too.
Anyways, I don't do it anymore because I go to a really good chiropractor now. I don't even walk with a limp, no one would ever be able to tell that I was in such a horrible accident. I have one scar on my stomach, but in the summer I put henna over it and it covers it right up. Occasionally, I'll get a dislocated joint and it makes me want it again. But lately, I have more good days than bad. I joined up at the ymca- something I've always wanted to do as a jw but never could. Part of the reason I was in the accident in the first place was because I tried going back to the hall. I wish now that I never did go back. But I was just 19 and all of my family were still a jw and my friends were still in it. It taught me to follow my instincts on things and not doubt myself. Want to hear something weird. At the 10 year anniversary of my accident, my husband was driving us home. At the exact time (Sep. 29, 1994 around 4:20pm- Sep. 29, 2004, 4:20) we almost got into the same exact type of accident again. But this time, I saw the car pass us right on by and my mouth dropped open and I realized at that moment that I can now move on from this. That I could put it behind me, because this next 10 years is going to be great! Since then, I have been exercising, quit smoking, I don't drink coffee anymore (only tea or water), I take vitamins, flax oil, and soy milk, and I have gotten alot closer with my kids, and I let toxic people in my life go. So... my point in telling you all of this... sometimes all you really need is change. ps. sorry so long... needed to vent. Thanks.