I didn't see JH suggesting that everyone should be of equal status. He was merely remarking on the JWs incredible hyprocracy about materialism.
I agree with you...he didnt directly...it was a comment I made independently without being prompted and I agree that some JWs are hypocritical when it comes to these issues and that clearly is wrong...how someone can lecture a congregation about living a simple life whilst driving a S class Merc is beyond reason but their is a line to be drawn on this.
A family in the hall I attended for many years were very quiet and unassuming but both parents had relatively good jobs and worked as professionals I think he was an Consultant Engineer and she was an Accountant; they were a lovely couple, would do anything for anyone and were regularly on the ministry and at meetings doing what they then thought was best and were as far as I was aware then good christian people, their children were well spoken, relatively well behaved and well disciplined. In short they were an ordinary family (just in case the description had you thinking of a stepford family they werent and they had their fair share of problems too but so does everyone)
What I saw as wrong however is that they were bitched about by others for putting their kids through private education and because they had money and good jobs yet they werent particularly showy about it...it was just obvious without them being ostentatious and bragging. They gave to charity and they would help anyone out who needed it within reason.
The point I was making is that there is a vast difference between having means and being all consumed by them and I think those that are all consumed need to get a balance but what is worse is when those with means preach about simplifying your life and pioneering yet not applying their own counsel, these are of course hypocritical.
Having means in general is not wrong and not unscriptual and not every JW that has money is a hypocrite although some maybe. I feel there was an over generalisation and that is what i was commenting on.
And actually, are you sure this is communist and not socialist? And if it is, so what? It's legal to be a communist in Canada. I for one, think our system sucks, and there are NO equal opportunities. That is as much a lie as what the JWs teach.
You could well be right and whether or not communism is right or wrong we have numerous examples of where it has failed in the past; personally there are flaws in any system and yes not
everyone has the same opportunities; My comment whilst unintended did read like an over generalisation.
That's not what I learned growing up JW. You must have been in a different congo.
I agree the reason why you didnt learn this was because the WTS society frowns upon those of means although wont openly say so because they probably think they might contribute more financially to the borg than those without, however you are right it isnt encouraged. What I was trying to suggest is that JWs that do have money are not automatically hypocrites because of this.
The JWs teach that material pursuit is wrong. The prime objective is preaching, not accumulating possessions.
That is definately the spin that the WTS puts on the biblical references although a correct interpretation of them would lead to different conclusion.
They are also supposed to support and take care of their 'brothers and sisters'. It's interesting that many of them are very materialistic, and the rich ones rarely (around here anyway, and my family is 4th generation, so I've seen A LOT), help the ones who are sick and in trouble. Especially financially.
I agree and these are definately hypocritical...with means comes a responsibility to contribute...to assist those who are in need and those who might be suffering financially if anyone doesnt then they cant really say they are a true christian can they? A question to ponder is if a christian is to support and take care of their brothers and sisters how can they do this without first having some means in order to do so?