JW's and Material Love

by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss
  • JH

    Very good Gary.... A picture is worth a thousand words..

  • diamondblue1974

    Gary...you and I in previous threads have always agreed that the WTS society is a business and about wealth etc...and this is the biggest hypocracy ever.

    The point I was making however is that whilst this is so not everyone who is a JW has ill intentions and they are simply doing their best by what they believe and this also goes for those with some semblence of means.

    We are in a privileged position because we have realised what the WTS is all about and have responded accordingly.

    JH no disrespect to your thread here is meant at all and you are right on a number of points but I felt like there was an overgeneralisation between true hypocrites and those who simply and genuinely mean well.


  • talesin


    We can agree to disagree.

    I feel that a JW who is pursuing material riches is a hypocrite. This is a product of my 18 years of indoctrination into their belief system. "You must serve Jah first, and only have enough money to survive so that you can preach, after all, 1975 is around the corner." I guess I'm brainwashed. *wash, rinse, repeat ... wash, rinse, repeat .... * Nope, still can't get that script out of my head!

    I can't see them in any other light. One of the reasons I left so young is because this very type of hypocracy so disillusioned me.

    I get what you are saying in general terms of the Bible and Xtianity, though. And I firmly agree --- there is nothing wrong with having things, and wealth does not exclude someone from being a real Xtian.


  • logansrun

    Well, JH, unless you are able to get into the Witnesses minds and hearts to understand their subjective feeling about those material possesions, your point is moot.


  • diamondblue1974
    I get what you are saying in general terms of the Bible and Xtianity, though. And I firmly agree --- there is nothing wrong with having things, and wealth does not exclude someone from being a real Xtian.

    That is definately what I was saying...(we agree!!!! )

    The only other additional point that I make is that hypocracy is about portraying to be something you are not...I didnt view the family I mentioned to be hypocrites because they didnt profess to be any different than they were and whilst it was clear that they didnt allow the WTS to indoctrinate them to the extent of selling their luxuries and living more simply it didnt make them hypocrites...it did however (in the eyes of the WTS) make them bad JW's and the R&F rejected them because of it.

    Job in the biblical sense was no hypocrite and he had money and then even more money....then again he wasnt a Jehovahs Witness was he...therein lies the difference


  • Scully

    When I was growing up, there was an elder in our congregation who seemed to enjoy pointing out the Materialistic TM flaws of other members of the congregation. My family couldn't always afford to buy new things, but I still remember when my folks decided to buy a second-hand colour TV. There was nothing unreasonable about it, but this elder made a point of labelling our family as Materialistic TM over it, as though he would never lower himself to have anything so Worldly TM to pollute the sanctity of his own home. Weren't we surprised when we went for a visit one day and saw a really nice 26" console colour TV in their living room. He was a little more than , but he never bothered us about being Materialistic TM again.

  • diamondblue1974

    Scully that is just typical...makes me mad...bet he even said 'would jesus buy a new television?'

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I remember someone once made the comment to me that you don't have to have things to be materialistic, rather it is a state of mind. Sort of the distinction of loving money being the root of evil, rather than the money itself.

  • upside/down

    This is one of my biggest peeves!

    I sat in the audience and let these "shepherds" convince me to leave EVERYTHING... family friends, an earned education, all my "networks" to go and "serve" more "fully" where the great are needed. I pioneered, because I thought all Dubs did IF THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES PERMIT (ugh!). I lived on almost nothing for years, as instigated by the propagandists. I self sacrificed beyond the limit.

    Then when I had to return "home" with my tail between my legs after 11 years of "serving" in the sticks, and had nothing...

    These same bastards that preached to me to do what I did and that they only reason they couldn't join me in the fine fight was their "circumstances", are LIVING LARGE and sending their kids to COLLEGE- the same education they told me to abandon to save my neck before the Big A came.


    I can't believe how stupid I was... I really thought I was doing the right thing. And when hard times reallly hit, those same bastards actually told me " Hey you chose to pioneer... it's your fault you're where you are (financially). Man if I so much as bump into one of these guys they're going down. Then they can hop in their 7 Series BMW and drive their arse to the nearest emergency room to get their broken nose fixed.

    "Trusting in J" got me "the shits". And I was no slacker, allergic to life, loser, self-righteous, fake pioneer- I WAS THE REAL DEAL.

    u/d (of the very bitter class)

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