Thanks for all your efforts as a moderator Eman, it must take a lot of time and effort. All the best with joining the normal rabble and happy retirement from moderation! I raise a glass to you
Just A Mere Mortal Once More..
by Englishman 52 Replies latest jw friends
There goes the neighborhood.
Sorry to lose you in that position, Englishman. Your tempered fairness was an asset to this board and I for one regret the loss - although I respect your decision.
All the best,
I'll bet Simon is sorry to lose your moderatiing, or is it moderation? Anyway all the best but make sure that you stick around the board. How is your health these days?
May I repeat the question. What is required of a moderater ? What do you do to be appointed to this "Privilege of service?"
As Englishman descends Mount Olympus we line the path to salute him.
I guess those of us who don't have peckers to keep up can wave palm fronds or ... help those who do have them to keep them up? Sounds like a party to me. <toga toga toga>
Love and respect!
You will be missed Mike! A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and I've always admired that you stand behind your convections.
Take care and keep in touch. Best to you and Her Ladyship!
As I said in a thread I started there a winds of change around
Always keep your pecker up!
I prefer to delegate that responsibility to some hot babe.
Welcome to the ranks of the unwashed masses.
I will miss you eman ( Thanks for being here -Good Luck & keep well. (hug)
Oh Most Honored Englishman: May your posts still be many and now your problems be MUCH fewer!
Always keep your pecker up!
Well, I'd try if I had one. Alas...that vital part of manhood is missing from my feminine anatomy.
Happy Retirement!!!
Cathy L.
We still love ya' Eman.
Have You Seen My Mother