only one critisism i have of Eman is that he did rush in to close some threads a little too early, which resulted in reducing the amount of laughs. a true english gentleman he is. and i'm looking forward to going to the party if i can make it.
Just A Mere Mortal Once More..
by Englishman 52 Replies latest jw friends
El Kabong
E-Man. You are truly a Gentleman. I appreciate all the hard work you've done on this board. I know it wasn't an easy task. Quite often, I'm sure it was a thankless job as well.
All the best. -
I'm truly sorry to hear of it!!
Your words have always carried weight, moderator or not!
E- Man....Happy retirement from the "mod squad" I believe you did a great job at a thankless task.
Sorry to hear that, Eman.
I appreciated your efforts to keep things from getting out of hand, but some apparently prefer mayhem and lashed out at you for taking matters in hand. Can't imagine the rudeness you must have put up with in your pm box...
Sorry to hear you are hanging up the role.
"Always keep your pecker up!"
Oh, sure .... And Refiner's Fire says I'm the one who always thinks with his genitals? *LOL* -
(((( Eman )))) thank you for all of your loving hard work!
You did a good job Englishman....
Pip pip cheerio and all that nonsense...
u/d (of the flunked English class)