Guess it should end here.Cheers!
Hell no. This is just the beginning.
Anyway, welcome.
by weakness 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Guess it should end here.Cheers!
Hell no. This is just the beginning.
Anyway, welcome.
And if anyone think that this is just coincidence, I urge you to take any other random images from elsewhere and using the same technique, see if you can emulate the same images as those found in WT's drawings.
I certainly don't think it's a coincidence. I don't even think it's an incidence. Whatever merit the claims of those who see subliminal images in unaltered Watchtoewer illustrations may have, these mirror-image ones have none. Any vague resemblance to a face is simply a result of the mirror-image symmetry and our propensity to see faces :-)
>:) evil grin or (:< dismay ?
I've seen these since leaving the Witnesses almost 4 years ago. The thing is that Paul Kevin is playing on people's fears of devils and demons. And frankly that whole thing even like JW believe is purely a way to keep people scared of everything constantly. Religions have been using the fear of devils and demons since Christianity came on the scene. Read what the early Church Fathers wanted people to feel.
DO angels and demons really exist, or were they fabricated by the Church in the Middle Ages to frighten the populace into submission? Bible scholars shed some light on the matter.
Do you know where the word "devil" comes from? Do you know how the Devil was created? Yes, created, because that is precisely what has happened. As opposed to something real and set in stone that mankind has merely perceived, the Devil is a creation of man's mind. Take, for example, the current impression of a man with horns and a pitchfork. This is a compilation of characters from other mythologies, incorporating elements of the Greek god of nature Pan, for instance. What this means is that the Devil is a not a real person of demonic nature running around the universe terrorizing people with "his" godlike but evil powers. Although there is evil in the cosmos - even Absolute Evil - the current construct that humans perceive as the Evil One is an anthropomorphic version based in mythology. True evil is not personal, not a single being. It is merely a quality that can be possessed by anyone.
If you ask a believer the question, "If God is so good, why is there so much evil in the world?" he or she will invariably answer, "Because of the Devil." If you ask that believer, "Who created the Devil?," he may then splutter and say that the Devil has always existed, not really wanting to ascribe such a malevolent creation to the all-good God . Of course, that eternal existence puts the Devil on par with God, who was the original being from which all creation comes. Well then, the faithful may say, the Devil was one of God's creatures that "got away from him" or rebelled - the evil angel, as it were. But that nonetheless makes the Devil one of God's creations, hardly a handiwork to be proud of. It also implies that God is not very powerful, in that "he" can lose control of "his" creatures so easily.
In reality, the formed beings currently portrayed as both God and the Devil are creations of the human being, not vice versa. That this is so can be shown quite simply by using as illustration the evolution of religion. So-called religion , as it turns out to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, is not a divine revelation from any god person who created everything and knows all. In actuality, "religion" is a construct that takes centuries and millennia to complete, beginning with various perceptions of the natural and "supernatural" worlds around us.
The first perception we have of the "supernatural hand of God" is elemental: the wind, the heat, the cold, the light, the dark, the rain, etc. Because the elements seem to have a mind of their own, human beings love to anthropomorphize them and give them human qualities. Thus, purely atmospheric phenomena come to be viewed as expressions of a humanlike entity with a mind of its own. We ascribe personality characteristics to the various entities we build up around the elements. For example, Zeus, the Greek sky-god father-figure, takes on a thunder-and-lighting personality.
This is how "religion" evolves. Although " religious " fanatics may violently oppose this notion, all religion is basically mythology built upon limited human perceptions of what is in the universe, and not upon concrete and absolute truths. Absolute truth has no form; hence, whenever "God" is portrayed as having form, whether human or animal, male or female, black, white or polka-dotted, it is not the Truth.
In looking at religion, what we find around the globe is a core mythos based on atmospheric elements and planetary bodies or other natural forces with a variety of forms they take on. In places where the skin of the inhabitants is red, the god may have red skin, and where the skin is white, the god may have white skin, and so on. It is completely arbitrary and not based on actual fact.
What happens is that different groups of people - and there have been very many on this planet - bring their distinct interpretations of deity to each other, whether through friendly merger or violent conquest, the latter of which seems to be the norm. During this merger process, the predominant people will force their particular, ethnocentric, egocentric and gender-centric interpretation of deity upon the conquered peoples. At the same time, they will also either make the conquered deities into lesser gods, godmen, heroes or patriarchs in their own pantheon, or they will turn the conquered deity or deities into demons and devils.
In fact, the very words "demon" and "devil" have been vilified in just such a way. Before cultural judgment turned these words into something wholly other than their original meaning, both words represented entities that were considered sacred and holy. The word "devil" comes from the Sanskrit/Hindi word "deva," which refers to the good angels of the Hindu pantheon. The root of both "devil" and "deva" means "divine." It was only after Zoroaster and the Persians conquered Hindu territory that they felt compelled to make the Hindu gods into devils! Thus, the Hindu devas became the Persians devils. As Rev. George Cox says, in Mythology of the Aryan Nations (Longmans, 1870, pp. 355, 363):
"The Devas of the [Hindu] Veda are the bright gods who fight on the side of Indra; in the [Zoroastrian] Avesta the word has come to mean an evil spirit, and the Zoroastrian was bound to declare that he ceased to be a worshipper of the daevas...
"...the word devil passed into an immense number of forms, the Gothic tieval, diuval, diufal, the Icelandic djofull, Swedish djevful, all of them, together with the Italian, French, and Spanish forms carrying back the word diaboloV [diabolos] to the same root which furnished the Latin Divus, Djovis, and the Sanskrit deva."
Likewise, the word "demon" comes from the Greek word "daimon" or "daemon," which originally referred to beings of divine, godly nature - gods, not evil spirits. "Daemon" was also corrupted and changed into having a evil connotation through the same religion-making process. It had nothing to do with an accurate discernment of any genuine evil spirit. It was simply Christian propaganda used to brainwash the followers of the Greek and Roman religions into rejecting their old gods in favor of the newly created Christian character. As has been shown, this is a very old trick. It was done rather well this time, with the subsequent burning of millions of books that would have revealed this ruse.
In light of the fact that so-called holy scriptures record one barbarous, murderous act after another attributed to "God," it is not surprising that the "Devil" was once considered divine! Perhaps the Devil brings peace, and not a sword, to humanity. Considering how many people have been killed in the name of God and not the Devil, maybe the world is worshipping the wrong entity. Perhaps the Indians and the Greeks were right in the first place. Think about it: No army has ever marched off to war in the name of the Devil.
So you need to examine the teachings of the bible regarding devils and demons, examine the bible and see how it was written by men, frightened and men who wanted to spread their fears to others.
when do you ever see symmetrical bush or a tree? if i were to paint a bush or a tree, why would i want to paint it symmetrically? imo, i think there's far too many pictures with these 'subliminals' for them to be ignored.
imo, i think there's far too many pictures with these 'subliminals' for them to be ignored.
But in the examples cited, the pictures don't contain the "subliminal" images at all. A mirror-image of an arbitrary section of the picture is taken in order to form a symmetrical image which almost invariably looks like a face. The images are not there but are created by the people who claim to be "finding" them.
You are correct in your assumptions. Check out this pdf for for examples.
del, i was talking in general. true, this case is of hidden pictures rather than embeds. imo, theres definately something going on in the artwork dept.
Are you assuming that the wts art department is making use of the psychological interpretation of visual stimuli?
More subliminal stuff? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn...