Ok... this is good.
For those of you who missed my last post on the topic of my Bethel trip, My mother "suprised" me with a bus trip to Bethel. We leave Wednsday morning (April 13) at 6am.
I do believe that my mother is doing this trip more for her than for me. HEre are some things that have come up:
I can not wear my camoflage hat. While hunting is never condemned by the ORG, it is a conscience matter. Me wearing a camo hat can/will stumble some of my "beloved" brothers and sisters.
I can not wear my black boots on the casual days when we are allowed to dress "comfortable". They are tall boots like loggers wear. I have a bad ankle and the boot really helps support my ankle. Apparently, since mom has seen the "army people" (i.e. Soldiers) wear black boots that somewhat resemble mine, I am now an "army wannabe". She doesnt seem to understand that its just a pair of shoes.
I can not bring my iPod. "we are going on this trip to be built up spiritually. You can't do that with music blasting in your ears."
I can not bring my laptop ( for the same reason as iPod). While I can see where this request is not entirely unreasonable, I am in 3 college level classes which require me to do work constantly. My teachers have already said that my work is due when everone elses is, regardless of where I go.
Any of you who were raised as witnesses know how touchy Dub parents are. The fact that I'm typing this and you're reading this obviously testifies to the effectiveness of these methods...
My mother really got me with this last one though. She is taking my ATM card from me. So that way, should I decide to something "risque" I won't be able to fund it. The sad thing is, while doing all these things, she never bothered to ask me to whether I have money that I can get with that ATM card. That account has been closed for over a year now, and all the money I earn is deposited in another account, which I have the card to.
I don't know why I wasted yalls time with this, but maybe some of have some interesting stories about overbearing parents or the like that you would like to share.