Hey Aude, it's better than nothing.
Bethel Trip
by RichieRich 30 Replies latest jw friends
While on the tour, here's a couple more questions you could ask out loud:
- What ever happened to that house in California that Judge Rutherford bought for when Abraham, Isaac and David were supposed to be resurrected in 1925?
- Where did Ray Franz live in Bethel? Will there be a tour of his room?
- Will we be served Miracle Wheaties for breakfast?
Good luck!! Let us know what happens....
'sounds like you are a remarkably self-composed young man, Ritchie. I love blondie's suggestions! And jwbot's. If it were me, I'd pack the ipod away too for a rainy day. The notebook is also a great idea. I always bring writing materials along to assemblies. I find the mindless drone an excellent backdrop for my creativity.
What is going on in mom's head? She has been watching you slip away, and perhaps this visit is her "last ditch" effort to turn you around? Perhaps she expects the manicured grounds and hordes of inoffensive people lock-step in harmony to impress you to return? I guess as long as you don't grow horns or rotate your head 360 degrees, she will be mollified.
1)I can hang out with my worldly friends and have no curfue, only if I comment and participate a lot in the meetings
2)I can live on the dorms in college, only if I attend the meetings back home with my parents.
3)I can grow my hair out, wear the good clothes, only if I comment and participate a lot in the meetings
4)I can go to college, only if I give the image that I'm still in the Truth.
5)I can date, but I can't let anyone from the hall see me.What a crummy way to live....
I don't think dub parents even imagine the stress they put on their youngsters by enforcing this type of duality on them simply because of how they will be viewed in the congregation.
I can not wear my camoflage hat............I can not wear my black boots on the casual days when we are allowed to dress "comfortable"........I can not bring my iPod..........I can not bring my laptop ( for the same reason as iPod).......She is taking my ATM card from me. So that way, should I decide to something "risque" I won't be able to fund it.
Are you confident she's gonna give you enough air to breath during this trip.
Richie - its hard to offer advice when you actually seem to have everything under control. I wish I had half your sense when I was 16. Instead I got my dfed.
I loved blondie's questions and would pay to be there to see the look on any bethelite's face if you got the chance to ask them!
And JWbot
Wear all black or something depressing looking.
I started wearing nothing but black for meetings and field service from the age of 13ish. When anyeone would ask why (JW or non JW) I'd just look at them dolefully and say "I am in mourning". Of course they would look concerned and I would add "for my life."
It was a great conversation stopper! When I was counselled about wearing black all the time, I obediently started adding some dark grey in. What a merry little girl I was!
"When I was counselled about wearing black all the time, I obediently started adding some dark grey in. What a merry little girl I was!"
I did the same thing! Ahhh....I scared people too, and I was not even goth...I just scared people. (It helps being very pale with dark hair) -
You are remarkably intelligent and courageous for your age! If my son turns out like that, I will be proud of him.
Whatever the outcome of the tour, you have already won in the long run.
Best wishes!
First, I would like, one more time, to thank everyone for their love and support. I really appreciate it.
What is going on in mom's head? She has been watching you slip away, and perhaps this visit is her "last ditch" effort to turn you around? Perhaps she expects the manicured grounds and hordes of inoffensive people lock-step in harmony to impress you to return? I guess as long as you don't grow horns or rotate your head 360 degrees, she will be mollified.
That's exactly whats happening. Mom's losing her grip, and having a hard time dealing with it. You hit the nail on the head.
As far as the black clothing thing goes- thats not really my personality... I'm more of a good ole' boy. But thanks for the suggestion.
I have packed my ipod, I figure- whats the worst she can do? Take it away? HA! I also borrowed my friend's PSP- you know... to enhance my hand eye coordination.
And I do plan on getting sick. Very sick. I will sniffle, sneeze, and bitch my way out of touring one day... and that is when the fun will happen... I'll be sure to take inappropriate pictures to share with all. Manhattan- here I come.
So now I have to pack. We wake up at 4:30 tommorrow to leave on the bus by 6. If all goes well, I can sleep on the bus to avoid having to look at people. THank you all again.
Richie - of the "have iPod, will travel" class
This quote brought back memories:
I'll be sure to take inappropriate pictures to share with all. Manhattan- here I come.
My most memorable vacation ever was spring in Manhattan. The entire city, both the beauty and the underbelly, fascinated me. There is artistry even in ragged clothing waving off the razor wire. I took some of those pictures just to scare my daughter.
Still one of my favorite photos, the window frame from a restaurant bathroom. The frame was flaked and chipped from years of paint. An extension cord was draped in from outside so that the waitresses had some place to blow-dry their hair.
I also took a tour bus through Harlem. Worth every penny.
Sneak out to Times Square at night. It is safe these days, and never boring. See what it is like to visit the city that never sleeps.
Beautiful. The city is beautiful. Enjoy yourself.