My younger bro recently entered into a fight club type of thing. He fought this past Sat. and got the crap beat outta him. He says he did it for the experience. Is this something that young guys need to do, get it outta their system? Maybe I'm too much of a Mom, but it made me really upset, my protective nature took over, it makes me want to go and kick the crap outta the guy that did this to him. hg
Fight Clubs
by heatherg 16 Replies latest jw experiences
It is a guy thing. Don't try to understand. You walk into a room full of women, and wonder if their butts are bigger than yours. Guys walk into a room and wonder if they could kick everyone's ass. As they get older they wonder if they make more money.
Just be glad you don't have to be like this. Maybe suggest some practical martial arts training like jiu-jitsu. He can get experience without all the damage.
Hopefully he will grow up before he gets hurt seriously.
i've never been one to back away from a fight. if the situation demands it. but i don't think i'd go and search one out just to have some fun, but that might be because i've fought before.
i have a feeling that lots of these fight clubs that i hear about are more about being a part of the culture espoused by the movie rather than actually seeing what it feels like to fight. Fight Club (the movie) is such a cult hit with young guys and a lot of people try to emulate that spirit. it's ironic though, because the whole point of that movie was rejecting pop culture and finding yourself. not jumping on the band wagon with a bunch of followers. in this case, followers of a movie.
i agree with these gentlemen. however, when we dont win fights, it is very humbling, and reminds us that we arent more than human.
I need a good ass kicking every few months. -
Gettin my ass whooped was one of the best life experience and growth experiences EVER (as a "boy"). It showed my how the "real" world worked and where I was in the pecking order (very low), when it came to brute force. I realized that using my brain and wit was where my future was. I was "humbled" to say the least.
However, to seek out the fight is just plain stupid. I'll give the benefit of the doubt and blame it on high levels of testosterone.
Hopefully he'll grow up REAL QUICK, as in real life people can get really hurt or killed. Tell him if he'd like you'd be more than happy to tie him up and beat him with a baseball bat till he's unconcious just so he can experience... but in the safe environment of being at home with Mom. LOL! Kinda like when a dad makes his son drink or smoke to the point of puking... to let him FEEL what it's like to be a MAN. Sheeeesh.
Either that or he needs a girlfriend REALLY bad... women tend to put an end to this kinda sh*t.
u/d (of the prefers lovin over fightin class)
the guy that did this to him
He did it to himself.... don't forget. As a willing participant. Did you see how the other guy looked? Maybe his mom is saying the same thing.
Boys will be
Maybe it isn't in every guy, but there is a very primal desire in me to fight, battle, attack. It's best I keep it pushed down, because there are precious few humans that couldn't whomp on me until they got tired. But the urge is there. I can see why some guys wrestle bears or aligators. I've often thought it would be interesting to be attacked by a dog.
My son is taking Kung Fu, so soon he'll join the ranks of those that can beat me up. <sigh> Maybe I should take up fencing...
I've often thought it would be interesting to be attacked by a dog.
i don't know why, but this got me laughing pretty hard. yeah, "interesting"...
Yes I think this thread is offering the female members here a disturbing glimpse inside the male mind.
And I do admit, I have not only wondered "could I kick that guy's ass".
I have also wondered, "could I kick that dog's ass".
Last night I had a dream that I was attacked by a bear....
and I totally kicked it's ass. I got it's back and choked that furry bastard out cold!
Oh well.
At least we aren't obsessed with the size of our butts. We have that going for us. That and the fact that we usually aren't as a rule, attracted to men. Women actually like us!!! If you ask me, they are the ones with the problems!
I have never been to a Fight Club, nor have I seen one.
I think sometimes when I am mad and really pissed I would love and beat the hell of of someone...just to get it all out! All Good!
Yeah, I know I maybe the only one, but I don't really care if I have "Anger Management Issues"!
Maybe the fight club is way out of hand ...However, maybe we could dress up in Suma Wrestlers outfits and kick someone's ass and No one would really be hurt!
I know if my kids start fights I will be upset with them because fighting is really not the answer! Although, if the kid throws the first punch My Son or Daughter is allowed and has my full support to end the fight! I swear I am that crazy Mom in neighborhood wearing a robe or sluty clothes flirting with the mail man! My kids will be taking me to the Oprah show and blaming me why they have "Adult Problems" my kids got to love me because I am fun time!
p.s. A Female with a Male mind!