So you are looking for people to interact with who feel that the WTS is right and good but, for whatever reasons, don't want to follow its teachings and live according to its standards?
I think allot of us felt that way when we initially left. Prior to broadening our horizons and learning the truth about the truth.
I agree somewhat with what was said earlier. The truth is that no person nor any manmade organization has all the answers. If they claim to then you should be suspicious.
The JWs claim to have all the answers and yet they have been proven wrong on more than one occasion (i.e. 1975, 1914, 607 BCE, whole blood vs. blood parts, organ transplants, the requirement to scream if you are raped, whether or not it's ok to accept alternative service instead of going to war if drafted, etc.). Their version of the light getting brighter and brighter is not the truth becoming more and more profound. It is mistakes being corrected over time by presenting new light.
God has the truth and it has not/does not change. Why should it have to be hard to have a relationship with him? We each need to figure out for ourselves how he wants to be worshipped and what he expects from us. You cannot rely on someone else to feed you this information. We each render our own account before God and we owe it to ourselves to form our own opinions based on everything we've learned from all different sources.
IMHO - I feel a bit sorry for loyal JWs. It's really hard to have a personal relationship with God when you are so busy trying to uphold the rules and standards of men.
Where in the Bible do you find disfellowshipping. Where in the Bible does it say one should be disfellowshipped for taking a blood transfusion, for believing differently than the religion you belong to, for celebrating holidays? Where do the words blood transfusion, holidays, voting, etc. appear in the Bible. Where does the Bible state specifically that only 144,000 go to heaven, only certain ones should partake, that voting is prohibited, etc.? Those are all opinions formed based on piecing together 1 or 2 scriptures on each subject from various parts of the Bible. Hardly, hard and fast facts stated in the Bible. There are many opinions and who said God chose a specific organization to voice them on his behalf? We have the Bible and we should be able to think for ourselves and use it.