yesterday was a nice day so I took out my scooter and I went over to the library and also decided to go into the antique mall just across the road from us. I love going to antique shops, so I was browsing at some old books and I seen this old purple paperback book and I picked it up and it was called ; The Truth Shall Make You Free, at first I thought this sounds like a JW book but why so old as a paperback . Upon opening it I was suprised that it was indeed a paperback book by Jehovah's Witnesses 1939 and it pretty good shape. It was printed in Alberta and in Toronto the address for the Society was then Main Street.
I was glad I found this because I didn't know that paperbacks were ever made before until in recent year. I need a little glue to reinforce the back and it will be as good as new. Here is a picture of it
I hope the pictures came up. I also found a old copy of "Pilgrims Progress" I have heard it was an excellent work so I am looking forward to readling it. First I must fix the back spine. As it is quite old too 1930.
Well I just I thought I would share this picture with you.
love Orange fatcat