Society to Publishers: Shut Up!

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Latest propaganda from the Borg (Wt.Sept 1, 2001, pg.15)

    "Suppose, though, that we personally have been the
    victim of a perceived injustice. How would a person
    with the peace of the Christ in his heart react?...
    rather than discuss the matter with anyone who will
    listen, why not commit the case to Jehovah in prayer
    and trust in him to see to it that justice is done?
    ...It may well be that having done so, we will be
    content to resolve the matter in our heart and "keep

    In other words, shut up.

    I respect advice about forgiveness - that's fine.
    However, sitting back and hoping for Divine Intervention
    is NOT the practice of the Watchtower Society when
    someone tries to tax them or get in their way! Far from
    it! THEY TAKE ACTION - and so should you if the
    organization treats you unjustly. After all,

    Amos didn't shut up
    Micah didn't shut up
    Elijah didn't shut up
    Jeremiah didn't shut up

    And Jesus called his opposers "offspring of vipers"
    and told them "you are from your father, the Devil"

    Tyrants never enjoy being exposed.


  • Roamingfeline

    Good point!


  • Jeremy Bravo
    Jeremy Bravo

    It seems to me that they're getting everybody in the congs. primed for when the "fit hits the shan" in the near future. The R&F don't know something is coming so the Society is being PRO-ACTIVE with their defence. Once the R&F have eaten this crap up, they'll buy the society's excuses when the lawsuits hit.

    They're circling the wagons in Brooklyn.

    Thanks for the post, Metatron!!

  • Englishman

    Amos didn't shut up
    Micah didn't shut up
    Elijah didn't shut up
    Jeremiah didn't shut up

    And now millions of ex-witnesses aren't going to shut up either!

    Sigh...Ain't life grand?

    Fiendish chuckles,


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • think41self

    Thank you Metatron,

    As someone who doesn't have the stomache to actually READ the WT any more, it is wonderful to have people like you to keep us up to date with their latest line of BS. I shudder to think I at one time believed that.


    "When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?

  • Gopher

    Thanks for getting this little 'diamond in the rough' out and exposed for public view, Metatron.

    So they give only 2 options to ones who have suffered an injustice: (1) Discuss the matter with anyone who listen, (that is, blab it to the whole congregation), or (2)pray about it, keep silent, wait for justice to magically appear from heaven.

    Isn't there a third option here, which would be talking to a confidential friend, pouring out your concerns, or else if the matter is very serious (legal, sexual abuse) to pursue things with the proper authorities?

    This kind of "logic" in the literature just burns me up. And it seems to place blame on one who comes forward to report an injustice. (I'm going to stop now before my monitor goes up in flames!!)

    GopherEven if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
    Will Rogers (1879-1935)

  • bboyneko

    Wow..yes thst is pretty bad..they have been aware of impending lawsuits (their lawyers are not idiots..I'm sure they warned the GB)Anyone remember that Watchtower article that says repressed memories of child abuse are planted there by demons? Also by saying elders are placed there by holy spirit they i mply Jehovah himself appointed them so they are infallible.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Metatron,

    an interesting point, and ahead of time,
    because in this part of Europe, it has not arrived yet.

    Good and logical point...but when it is the WTS that
    " suffers injustice .." than it is a Court case, libel,
    damages, reputation, Human Rights etc. etc.!

    WHY, are we NOT ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS with the same
    basic, individual HUMAN RIGHTS???

    To Jeremy Bravo: " And the end is not yet. Just during
    the past decade , the number of ACTIVE PROPONENTS of
    KINGDOM rule.." (w. 1.6.2001 pag. 19 ยง 8)

    Wait a moment: no longer a " PUBLISHER ", " approved
    association with Jehovah's Witnesses " and after
    the baptism "... a memebr of the Christian congregation
    of Jehovah's Witnesse "???

    Greetings, J.C. MacHislopp

  • mustang


    Yup, classic WTS style.

    Something happens in the congo, pray and keep it quiet. It blows over and you are shut up.

    You do something wrong, you're DF'd. It blows over and you are shut up.

    You appeal, but those are loaded against you. That blows over and you are shut up.

    You DA, you say about a one-liner and you're gone. (I know, many write small books, but who sees them: 1 or 2 Olders & that's it.) That blows over and you are shut up.

    You sue after the DF'ing and you find that the 'Church Law' provisions give you next to no recourse. (Hmm, could be there is something do-able on that score.) That blows over and you are shut up.

    You 'drift away' and they got you again. You aren't going to raise a ruckus. (Or are you?) That blows over and you are shut up.

    The WTS states on that public info website with the FAQ's that 'ones who quietly leave are left alone' or something to that effect. That blows over and you are shut up.

    See the pattern?


  • Francois

    I wonder what's gonna happen when the Dateline "ship hits the sand"? Do you reckon they'll go, each one of the GB, into their closet and pray over the matter and keep silent about it?

    Useta be the society could get away with murder because of the limited access to a national or international voice. JW stories were peanuts to even local news outlets. Now however, with the advent of the internet, so much can be and has been said about - for instance - pedophillia and other horrors which JWs so obviously condone that the press is ready to pounce just because of the sensational nature of the subject matter.

    And everyone like seeing a self-righteous hypocrite get their comeuppance Don't they?


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

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