for an hour regarding my book Father's Touch...should be interesting...I know she is going to ask me about the Michael Jackson case...Here's the web site and info: 4/27/2005 Wednesday 2pm to 3pm Pacific Time Darkness to Light: Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence. Betrayed by a Father's Touch My guest will be Donald D'Heane, author of A FATHER'S TOUCH, which details the physical, sexual and emotional abuse he, his siblings and his mother suffered at the hands of his father. It is the first book in the world to detail sexual abuse within a Jehovah's Witness family. He is one of the first Canadian men to initiate prosecution of his sexual abuser and to go public with his story.My guest will be Donald D'Heane, author of A FATHER'S TOUCH.
I'll be interviewed by World Talk Radio on Apr 27th...
by morrisamb 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Thanks, Donald, for giving a face and intelligence to the reality of child abuse in the WTS organization.
Thanks should be interesting. Has anyone here heard Kathleen Brooks interview other sexual abuse survivors? I believe they are posted on the World Talk Radio web site.
I think the unique angle to her is three-fold: one I am a male survivor, two it happened in a Witness family, three, I wrote a book about it.
Wonder if Michael Jackson will tune in? LOL...he should! -
Doubtfully Yours
Aw brother! I can only imagine the damage that will be done by all the misinformation and the fabricated stuff.
Everytime I've heard an ex-JW speak publicly, 70% of the information is wrong. And they tend to put together all JWs as being this awful evil way, which is not true whatsoever.
I hope you'll show more personal integrity than that.
There are quite a few JW families that are very disfunctional, just like in any other organization; but they would be so even if they were not JWs. Not all families and individuals are like these distunctional folk.
I have read a few passages of this book. I was very impressed with what I read. I did not gett he impression that this was a case of witness bashing.
And DY, I agree with you that many x-witnesses spread disinformation. Some do so intentionally, but many others just have trouble controlling their emotions. ANd while I agree that their are many disfunctional families in all religions, JW's bring reproach on themselves by saying that they are more or less exempt from problems...and then by trying to cover over these problems rather than help the victims.
It always amazes me how many individual JWs think they know what is going on in their congregation or the circuit in regard to child abuse cases or feel they are in a position to judge that the person who was abused is not telling the truth.
That is why it is so important to go to child protective services, law enforcement, and the courts who have the skills, experience, and authority to investigate these situations.
I'm sure DY you weren't suggesting that morrisamb was a disgruntled, ex-JW who is spreading lies about his situation. Just a little investigation into his book and the facts of the situation would help you see why he is a good person to appear for those who have been abused under the so-called protection of the WTS organization.
The WTS says that the religions that claim to be Christian have a greater responsbility before God for their mistakes, than say Buddhists. The WTS claims to be the only true Christian religion. The horrible situation is not that some JWs molest children, but that the men they say are appointed by holy spirit, hide the abuse, punish and threaten the victim.
Blondie (seen it all too many times)
You rock Blondie...
Hey, guys...I love all your responses...this has turned out to be a very interesting thread! Thanks. The only reason I do these interviews is to help other victims know they are not alone, not to blame and have nothing to be ashamed about. If we can make a difference in someone else's life, it is certainly worth it!
This is the World Talk Radio press release:
Darkness to Light: Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence
(An Internet radio talk show sponsored by Darkness to Light and dedicated to providing a safe forum for people to get informed, share and participate in preventing, recognizing and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse)
Wednesday, April 27
2:00 p.m. (PST)
Host: Kathleen Brooks, Ph.D. (
Guest: Donald D'Haene (
Topic: Betrayed by a Father's Touch
To talk with our guest, call our toll-free number: 888-514-2100
Please send this to anyone who is interested in shedding light on this global epidemic!