What made YOU drop Christianity?

by GetBusyLiving 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • GetBusyLiving

    After I read CoC and left the dubs for a short while I considered myself Christian. The way Franz explained it, all that is required is to have faith in Jesus and to love your neighbor as yourself and then you will be 'saved'. The more I started pealing away at the onion though the dumber the premise of someone dying for my 'sins' seemed, and I just lost faith in it altogether. Now I just accept that I don't have all the answers and its impossible to know the real truth about God.

    However, claiming yourself a Christian is considered a safe move by most on the off chance that that stuff actually happened. I don't buy this because it IMO presupposes that 'God' would fall for such a safety net salvation game. It seems stupid.

    Anyway, why did you dump Christianity? (if you have, hehe)


  • LittleToe

    Isn't it similarly presumptious to state that "God would fall for this", if it was what He set up?

    I don't have all the answers (who has?) but I do have a strong "faith" in God, which isn't based on a mere desire for there to be something "out there".

  • kls

    I am just me with out labels .I would say the jw cult really gave me enough crap that any religion is all out for the same ,control and money.

    The jws really did it for me as far as believing in a God because i just don't care.

  • doogie

    i personally don't consider myself a christian because i do not believe that there was an adam and eve. simple as that. i could go on and on with other reasons, but this is debilitating enough, in my opinion.

  • SixofNine

    It would be intellectually dishonest for me to be a christian.

  • whyamihere

    I don't know what to believe in anymore!

    I think the JW's screwed me up to not knowing if I should or shouldn't believe in certain things.

    I guess I hope if there is a God he will forgive me and understand that since the JW's messed up my mind I may not go along with things he may have wanted me to do.

    As of now I drop the JW religion! That's all I need to do at this point!


  • funkyderek
    Isn't it similarly presumptious to state that "God would fall for this", if it was what He set up?

    But it seems preposterous that a god could set up something so unfair and nonsensical.

    Two people disobey God's capricious instructions. God chooses (or is forced) to torture and kill them and all their descendants (or at least to allow that to happen).

    To fix this problem (of his own creation) God sends his son (who may or may not be himself) to live in the Middle East for a few years and to be executed as a criminal, and then brings him(self) back to life. This somehow wipes out the consequences of the original indiscretion, except that nothing noticeably different happens. Humans continue to have bad things happen to them, they grow old and they die.

    However, if they believe that this man who lived in the Middle East many years ago was actually (the son of) God, then - and only then - does the payment affect them. But they still suffer, grow old and die. The difference between those who believe and those who don't is indistinguishable until they die whereby members of the former group - or more accurately, noncorporeal entities with the memories and personalities of those people - go to "heaven" to live in eternal bliss, while those in the latter group get to be eternally tortured in "hell".

    The details of this scenario are so contentious that people who believe one version of it have ostracised, tortured and killed people who believe an ever-so-slightly different version, although many - particularly in recent years - claim that only belief is necessary, and the details aren't important. Unfortunately, these people are usually unable to provide a reason to believe, and claim that belief must come first and evidence will be provided later. This effectively excludes reasonable people from their ranks.

    Ultimately, it was these absurdities combined with a complete lack of evidence for any of its claims that led me to reject Christianity.

  • lonelysheep

    The jw's influence caused me to want to drop all religion, including their own. I don't believe in the bible-christian God anymore than I would believe in Venus, Mars, or Aphrodite. They're all the same to me...stories to learn in Mythology 101.

  • ivy

    I was the rebellious child of a tyrannical, overbearing father. My life?s experiences just made me feel more compatible with satan then god or his perfect son. I left Christianity because it is ?preposterous that a god could set up something so unfair and nonsensical?. And yet, that?s god for you.
    This thread reminds me of a great line in a Concrete Blonde song:
    "I told the priest, don?t count on any second coming
    God got his ass kicked the first time he came down here slumming.
    He had the balls to come, the gall to die and then forgive us.
    No, I don?t wonder why, I wonder what he thought it would get us?"

  • jaredg

    when i realised that christianity doesn't have a monopoly on the pathway to god.

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