I ask this question rather seriously.
Isn't religion actually an excuse to hate?
You quickly learn US vs THEM and who is who.
Then you learn that it is THEM who will die. And not just die!
They'll be cut down in the streets with blood running in the gutters!
We learn about sheep and goats and hold our nose as we drive past a church.
We learn to value only our own group and not even flinch when others suffer.
Doesn't religion consist less of compassion and mercy and acceptance and more of labeling and branding and condeming?
If you answer, "no", why is history filled with religious people who murder? (They don't call it murder, of course.)
When I was an active JW I use to say the Jews deserved the holocaust because they participated in the covenant with Jehovah at Mt.Sinai and accepted the "blessing and the malediction". By not keeping the law of Moses perfectly and by not accepting the Messiah, Jesus, they brought the malediction (curse) upon themselves rightly!
I'm deeply ashamed of that now. But, that was my dismissive attitude.
I could also dismiss homosexuals, human suffering and higher education too. All in the same breath I could make the world go away.
My compassion was the size of a gnat's eyebrow.
Christians and Muslims and Jews can love and kill in the same heartbeat with equal blindness to what binds them as human beings. They all talk a good game; but, prove nothing beyond their own venal agenda in the end.
Or, am I getting it all wrong?
But, wait!
You will quickly answer that secularism is no different; humanism has no better track record to offer; atheists are as bloodthirsty as the rest. Aha! You are right. And that is the VERY POINT I wish to make.
Believers are no better at all. They just talk a prettier talk while walking the same walk as everybody else.