by tijkmo 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • inquirer

    Some do, some don't!

    Nobody is sure! Can't someone give me a clear-cut answer! :O Yes - they do go door-to-door, No - they don't go door-to-door!

  • Lehaa

    Did some research and this is what I found, Apparently they are supposed too.!!!!

    5 The reigning King Jesus Christ gave an enlarged assignment to his steward, or house manager, on earth. Anointed Christians were to be "ambassadors" of God substituting for a crowned king empowered to rule over all the peoples of the earth. (2 Corinthians 5:20; Daniel 7:14) Their collective responsibility was no longer to be only that of giving Christ?s body of anointed attendants "their measure of food supplies at the proper time." (Luke 12:42) They were now to take an active part in the working out of the prophecies due to be fulfilled after the Kingdom?s establishment in 1914.


    What did this mean in actual practice? It meant expanding the preaching of ?this good news of the kingdom to all the inhabited earth.? (Matthew 24:14) Moreover, it meant publishing powerful messages of judgment against Satan?s wicked system and its supporters. This had the effect of ?rocking the nations.? Thus, "desirable things," Christ?s "other sheep," began to come in. (Haggai 2:7; John 10:16) From 1935 onward, the "great crowd" began to flock into Jehovah?s organization worldwide. (Revelation 7:9, 10) This called for progressive improvements in organization. Symbolically speaking, stones were to be replaced by iron, wood by copper, iron by silver, and copper by gold. (Isaiah 60:17) All of this has taken place since 1919 under the active and close direction of Jesus Christ, who has committed all his earthly Kingdom interests, or belongings, to his faithful slave class and its Governing Body.

    March 15 1990. Watchtower. Pg.15 - 20, Co-Operating with the Governing Body

  • ljwtiamb

    Honestly, I can tell you that they did go out in service.

    In fact, it was not uncommon to see them in the bethel neighborhoods almost every weekend.

    No Kidding!

  • upside/down

    Yeah right, they're much to "humble" to do something so menial.

    That's a job for all of us good-for-nothing slaves doing what we ought to...

    And you'd better be grateful that they allow you the priviledge of doing this fine work you lucky b*stard!

    u/d (of the they're not worthy class)

  • inquirer


    Thanks for informing us. :)

    What's stopping you for going out in this beautiful Kingdom work? ;) :O

  • ljwtiamb

    I know you guys won't believe me but it IS true.

    Even Ted Jaracz would go out in service. He gave several public talks throughout the NYC area and would actually almost always make it a point to go out in service. He would even refuse to work with an elder. (You can just imagine how they would jockey for position to work in service with a gb.)

    I can't speak for their sincerity, but they really did go out or either offer magazines to passersby on street corners.

    Actually, that was one of the few things that really impressed me!

  • TresHappy

    I remember my father going door-to-door with some member of the GB...Dad talked about it for days!

  • blondie

    Did Rutherford go from door to door?

  • ljwtiamb

    Not sure, but I remember someone leading Freddie Franz (he was pretty much blind) by the hand to a door.

  • Dismembered

    Rutherford went from bottlle2bottle


    "Don't you go dyin' on me now"

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