I am a member of a paranormal research group and I have a friend down in Houston, Texas that went to the Poppet's Way house. If you are familiar with the movie "Poltergeist" this is the house that that movie is loosely based on. He went there at around 2 a.m. It's a neighborhood, so they had to be really quiet. He said that in the woods at the end of the street, next to the house, he could see shadow people running from one tree to another and hiding behind them. He told me that they are darker than dark and they have green eyes.
The house actually had people buried in the yard. When they were putting in a pool, they dug some of them up. The developer of the subdivision said he had no idea there was a cemetary under about 6 of the houses. The land used to be a plantation, and there is a small African-American community down a dirt road through the woods who are all descendants of the slaves that used to work this plantation . One of the elderly residents remembers burying people in that cemetary and says the developer never came and talked to him about it.
The people's daughter that lived in the Poppet's Way house had a heart attack in their backyard right under a tree that had some initials on it. Under this tree were buried two people. The daughter was young and healthy. The people experienced all kinds of disturbances in the house, and any pets they acquired ended up dead from unknown causes.
The people sued the developer and won. The court papers can be accessed through the District Court. The people lost their home and their equity. They coudln't live in the house anymore because it was too frightening. Apparently, these six houses are up for sale quiet frequently. The people ended up moving to Montana.
One of the ghost web sites shows some video footage of an actual shadow person moving from room to room. I will try to look it up for you. It's pretty spooky. That's pretty much the only thing I've heard about them, as far as knowing someone who's seen them.