I very much believe in spirits and have studied the shadow people. Personally, I have felt them and seen them. Which often leads to people thinking I am nuts. I ever had an example in my life where I saw one out of the corner of my eyes and turned and a dark figure was standing there and seemed to fade away. Reminded me of cartoons when character exit, but there is like this dust cloud in their shape for a few minutes. I feel these are energies or spirits of people we knew, or spirits wondering around in places we cross with them. For the most part, I think spirits play a big role in our lives daily. The experience I mentioned above, has happened more then once. Last night we had a spirit messing with our doorknob, I got up and asked them to stop as we were trying to sleep and it stopped right that second. Sometimes they just want you to acknowledge them when they realize you noticed something they did and did not speak about it enough for them to confirm you noticed. Good subject, most likely it will upset some skeptics.