Since nobody wishes to explain to me what they are saying I'll try to piece it together for myself.
Words, in order to communicate, must contain actual meaning.
When we speak about the EGO here what are we defining? I posted the definition earlier and it does not fit anything any of you are saying.
Definition: EGO: According to the psychoanalytic perspective on human development, the ego is the part of the personality that is rational and reasonable. Providing a reality check for the demands of the id, the ego acts as a buffer between the outside world and the primitive id. The ego operates on the "reality principle", in which instincts are restrained in order to maintain the safety of the individual and help integrate the individual into society. (Source: Google)
I suspect you are using a different definition which is probably simply the condition I call HUBRIS.
Need to defy the whole and be detached in a never completed search for satisfaction; cause of discontent; lack of rythm; confidence in the mind in place of the self; kind of suffering associated with ignorance; superior and careless behavior; defiance. Hubris perpetuates Personality. Hubris requires Ignorance. (Source: Google)
For you as a person to exist passively is to empty out your power to accomplish anything for yourself or for your future much less those who you may value as companions and loved ones.
In the Middle Ages (Dark Ages) men acted according to your ideals by entering monastery conclaves and sealing themselves off from sensation. The theory was they would only contemplate goodness and positive thought.
This dropping-out is moral cowardice.
The Hippcratic Oath begins with "First of all, do no harm." Okay. But, to be a physician you actually have to DO SOMETHING positive or you aren't a doctor.
So too with your life.
You have to do something positive and productive with your life to be fully human. Simply dumping out your feelings (like scraping the inside of a cantelope) won't do much but make a stinky pile in the sink.
Life is about struggle and overcoming not only your self; but, actually winning. What is winning in life? It is creating a legacy. It is constructing an entire (start to finish) lifetime of accomplishment in something tangible.
Gurus don't do anything but flap their lips. It is workers, artisans, artists, designers, creators who build a world for good or ill with the sweat of their brow and the rough chafing of their hands.
I'll take ten such doers to every lotus-position sitter with an empty grin and an "Ommmm" in their throat.
As the bumper sticker says: LEAD, FOLLOW OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY.
That is life on Planet Earth.