WTS wealth/assets how to be shared?

by greendawn 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Frankiespeakin, I agree with you they are getting more and more into trouble and a critical point will be reached where things will just collapse I can't see them lasting for more than 15-20years and we evil apostates should do all we can to speed up that process.

    We can say it serves them right for being so big headed and conceited and refusing all constructive criticism but quite a few people are probably already getting some dough for their bank accounts, there is no one to check what's going on there with the multi billion dollar assets. The end is not coming, the so called annointed are dying away fast, even JW kids are leaving in droves, people are waking up very slowly but surely to this scum.

  • frankiespeakin


    It would be hard for anybody real close to the GB not to know they phoneys. I'm sure the Governing Body knows they are in the lions den right their at bethel. I would thing that as these long held captives at bethel see the Governing Body's ruthless behavior toward the flock the more hatred they feel toward these men in which they rub shoulders all the time,,and these enlightened ones are just waiting for the opportunity to do the most damage to the Governing Body due too all the kissing up they have had to do just to have a place to live and food to eat.

  • greendawn

    When I read on this board or other websites comments on the GB members from ex Bethelites who personally met them they are invariable very negative, not at all according to the image they project outwards to the rank and file.
    So who knows perhaps they will openly rebel.

  • frankiespeakin


    I would imagine that those that have been at bethel a long time and with no retirement benifits, or with no means of support if they left bethel,, and who eventually come to realize they are in just another "end of the world cult" and feel very trapped and left with no choice but to make beleive they are loyal JWs. I'm sure that there are many of these types at bethel and I'm sure the Governing Body knows this as well. These type of trapped persons must be building up tremendous resentment towards the Governing Body, especially as the Governing Body tightens thier control over the flock and shows no mercy toward those that stop beleiveing. This in my estimation can be a very explosive situation,,that can go off any time now. If the Governing Body disfellowships one of these truley unfortunate ones no telling what could happen,,and what someone would do when faced with being df'd who has known for years the GB were phonies and has no means of support because they have given thier whole life to the Organization. Very very dangerous situation just waiting to happen!!

    I'm also very sure there are many in the Legal department at bethel are ploting thier revenge on the Governing Body by giving them bad advice that appeals to the vanity and desporation of the Governing Body. The Governing Body has trapped too many people inside the organization,,they don't really know who beleives they are God's channel and who don't,,thier best friends are probably thier worst enimies and just waiting,,,,,waiting,,, waiting,,, to give them a taste of thier own medicine. You can't be so cruel to so many and not expect repercussions eventually,, most dictators and despots have what they have done catch up to them eventually,, I think many on the GB know this and are frightened. This type of fright is showing up in thier KMs and WT in which they are really doing all they can to get the friends to feel guilty and fearful,,they are pulling out all the stops,,which shows how frightened the GB is,,I'm sure those that write the articles are appealing to the fears of the GB to make them write articles that are rediculously filled with blatant mind control, perhaps to make many start to see the GB for what it really is, namely a controlling fraud.

    I'm a beleiver in what you sow you will reap(in most cases). It takes time,,and time is running out because of the internet for the Governing Body and thier cruel deception and fraud they have perpatrated on over 6,000,000 JWs. Bad bad bad karma!!!!

  • lawrence


    Ditto. Just a matter of time. Something, anything could touch it off. Just like Archduke Ferdinand getting a slug, and bingo C.T. Russell becomes a God for some shooting that touches off a war. Hell, any day a revolution might begin in Bethel, and after the fact nobody will remember what exact deed touched off the internal fighting. They think they have divisions now....remember they taught us, "every brother will be at his brother's throat." And, "it starts with the House of God," and not 1918 either; then let the games begin!

  • diamondblue1974

    When I obtained the accounts for IBSA and WTS for the UK there seemed like as massive amount of cross company transactions which clearly are not at arms length...as they are all so interconnected; I think it would take something absolutely earth shattering to topple the WTS given its wealth.

    In the UK we benefit from transparency in terms of financial reporting but in the US the reporting obligations I am told are different; who knows really how much they have in their coffers and where its hidden; my guess is offshore in a low or no tax jurisdiction but cannot be sure; I was chatting to another member of this board who suggested that some years ago the turnover for the US was at least £1bn but now they do not publish their accounts anywhere they do not have to...hardly a transparent organisation working for the benefit of its members are they?

    It is also worth note that should dissolution take place it wouldve been carefully planned and well prepared for; trust me on this having worked with some great finance guys...they truly do know where to hide the money should they need to.

    In my view they would dissolve the WTS and then have another non profit organisation waiting for the handover...and wash, rinse repeat, wash rinse repeat.


  • zugzwang

    Well as a former Bethelite I would hope I would be compensated something for having wasted years of my life. I think $5000 for every month I was there is fair. And of course their blood policy killed my father so I think they owe me quite a bit there as well. So I'll just take a settlement of around $1,000,000 US. Let me know when I can collect!


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