Does God have a True Church on the Earth today?Yes,and I will reveal it.It is the Free Will Baptist Church,Which is True in every sense.They preach Jesus,They study God's word correctly and rightly divide the word of truth.They are not led by a distant leader,they are led by their local leader chosen by God.If the sign out front doesn't say Free Will Baptist then you are in the wrong Church.Look for that sign,and then you've found the right Church.
The Only True Church
by danielweatherlee 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's gonna be one of those nights...
Welcome to the forum. We enjoy discussing all kinds of things.
A word to the wise, however, is that many people are very skeptical of people who show up and preach at them on their very first post. It's like having someone show up at your house, announce themselves as a guest, and then barge in and start moving your furniture around. Rude, Dude...
oh brother.
danielweather.....thats nice you found your place of true worship.....for some of us we have our own places of true worship.
"It's like having someone show up at your house, announce themselves as a guest, and then barge in and start moving your furniture around. "
Worse than that, it's like having someone show up at my house with a bookbag full of tracts and Watchtowers and ... :-) -
Guess we Conservative Baptists don't have a chance then?
What if we are conservative Baptists who believe in free will? No good, huh? God help us if we have Calvinist leanings .
Guess we have to be part of "God's organization," then? This sound familiar to anyone here? Funny how God forgot to put that into the Bible...
Look for that sign,and then you've found the right Church.
Ah, so it was in the Bible!!! After all, Jesus told us there would be "great signs"!!
Never heard of it. God's been negligent with advertising, I guess!
It is the Free Will Baptist Church,Which is True in every sense
I saw "Free Willy", does that count? (I'm guessing they show that movie in Hell. Alot. And "Mission to Mars".)
Christians.. can't live with em, can't disfellowship them from the planet.
Well, Free Willy must be a Baptist....he spends most of his life immersed in water...