Oh, I forgot in my last post....
Thanks for the hard work Blondie. It is appreciated.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-24-05 WT Study (Self-Sacrifice) 3-15-05
by blondie 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
It's so depressing to see that almost every single study article in the WT is about serving the organization.
BTW, I hope Simon fixes the HTML character formatting problem. It? is getting ?harder to read blondie?s posts wit?h all ?these question mark?s.
I reread some of the WT's in the 80's and using "Blondie's Method" you can really see they've been hyping the borg for decades.
IMO I think if Jesus came back to Earth today and walked into a KH and performed mircacles and talked to his people the BOE would need to consult the borg queen to know what to do. Truly, truly sad. :(
I confronted my mother yesterday about the whole UN thing...she hadn't heard of it of course. So I'll keep you posted. -
Thanks again for another great review Blondie.
I wonder how my old JW friends in there can keep faring week after week with these batterings. How tiring and unrefreshing. What a burden the WT is loads upon the backs of its followers.
The message I hear in this article: Give us your time--give us your money and we will continue to treat you as slaves because this is all you deserve in life. How depressing is that?
I am grateful each day that I am no longer enslaved by the WT routine of life. Still working on learning to relax again. Love those lazy Sunday mornings spending time with my hubby in the garden.
I love my Sunday's as well !!!
Never once felt guilty about missing "the spiritual food". Yeah, if you like strained, pureed prunes it was enlightening I guess.
But enough Jo Ho stuff, off to ride my bike for an hour and then a well deserved nap :) -
Thanks Blondie.
Only Jehovah?s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4) They will make up the "flesh" that Jesus Christ said would be saved through the worst tribulation of all human history.
I think when this belief can be successfully rooted out, there is freedom from what the WTS dishes out. I just find it unbelievable now.
I found that I had to be content with the sacrifices I made and not expect anyone to acknowledge it in any way. No one knows what we gave up to keep doing all they asked of us. People that did it out of sincerity and from the heart usually don't go around telling how wonderful they are for what they gave up. And shame on the society for never acknowledging the little things people do, not everyone can give up to pioneer or be missionaries or go to Bethel. I got to where I hated hearing these grandiose stories, while the people that were busting their butts to financially support them only heard more and more what to give up to give more.
Sometimes the only way to be self-sacrificing is to not be needy.
Thank you for your hard work Blondie.
I love this!
Who pick up the dog pucky in the parks? Take an honest look at your community, your neighbors, your workmates, etc., etc. The vast majority of them are hardworking, caring people.
I had highlighted all the manipulative words as well. It helps keep my critical mind sharp. As usual, Blondie, you beat me to it.
I really think the Watchtower needs a new masthead:
The Watchtower: 120 years of Inducing Guilt, Shame and Vomiting in 210 lands and islands of the sea. Now shunning people in 96 different languages.
Thank you Blondie for all the hard work you put into this.
Do more, give more, and then just maybe you might do enough and give enough to survive...
What a bunch of hog wash.
You point this out so clearly, Blondie... thanks again...