Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-24-05 WT Study (Self-Sacrifice) 3-15-05

by blondie 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Flash

    Will of God/as interpreted by the WTS

    Devoted to God or the WTS?

    Dedicated to whom?

    Are you slaves of God or slaves of the WTS?

    It affects the decisions you make , and right now too many JWs are not making the right decisions according to the WTS.

    Concluding Comments

    Well, folks, this is basically only the windup for next week when the ball is let fly. Selfishness abounds in the WTS. Money is not flowing and the people are not going, to the meetings.

    I agree with your insights here Blondie.

    There is theory and there is practice, what this WT says in theory is pretty good. It's knowing what the WTS 'really means', knowing they'll decide how it should be applied and practiced by the un-spirit directed little people who make up the congregations...That's the problem.

  • bronzefist

    Thanks for all the hard work Blondie. You hit the nail on the head once again.

  • greendawn

    There was a time when I used to think that the cold and unloving enviroment in the congs was due to the JWs not listening to such great advice from the FDS as we see here, they are such spiritual and wise counsellors.

    However later I realised that it was the FDS that was giving the bad example by being grossly uncharitable, power crazed, and subtly deceitful. They did not have the right spirit that's why it was lacking among the rank and file, they could not give the right example.

    Satanic angels appearing as angels of light having an outward form of godliness but unproductive in all good works. This typical watchtower article was written by such people it looks sooooo good and sound when you read it but beware all dubs don't you go falling for it, when dealing with such smart manipulators waters run very deep.

    And that jehovah emphasis always gets on my nerves, is this a quasi jewish religion?

  • upside/down

    I'm truly indoctinated in reading "through" WTS smoke and mirrors... I can now anticipate almost verbatim what you will say in your comments as I read the Tower info first...

    Thanks Blondie... you have a disciple...


  • BluesBrother

    Thanks a bunch Blondie..right on the button and I like the larger font format.

    I still have the old Public Talk outline "Renewing The Spirit of Self Sacrifice" .. The ideas are just the same as was peddled then.The first heading says "The world encourages self indulgence not self sacrifice".Blondie gave a great response to that in her review And to think I used to travel to other congos on a Sunday just to deliver that rubbish ! (It never was my favourite outline

    It all adds up to manupulation. As a big kid may say to a small kid "If you dont give me half of your sweets, you are SELFISH!".. It takes a lot of growing up before you can learn to recogniise this as manipulation,and a self assertive spirit to be able to say "No" . I wonder how many single dubs are feeling guilty because they have a regular job and do not pioneer. That is the meaning of the article.

    It did not take us a moment to see the overt call for service to the Borg dressed up as service to God... BTW we did attend the meeting today. The congregation were not exactly enthusiastic with their answers...............

  • EvilForce

    Didn't go, won't go, don't feel bad.

    Relaxing reading my NY Times this a.m. Having coffee, going for a bike ride later.

  • cyber-sista
    There was a time when I used to think that the cold and unloving enviroment in the congs was due to the JWs not listening to such great advice from the FDS as we see here, they are such spiritual and wise counsellors.

    However later I realised that it was the FDS that was giving the bad example by being grossly uncharitable, power crazed, and subtly deceitful. They did not have the right spirit that's why it was lacking among the rank and file, they could not give the right example.

    Yes, I think this is the frustration that many in the organization feel. I know those in there who are naturally loving people who try their hardest to do what is right and to practice love in their lives, but they almost have to do it on the sly. Being a loving kind and merciful person is not what is being taught by the WT Org and is almost a sign of weakness--what did they call it in an article recently about being forgiving to those sinners who had done wrong?--undeserved kindness was it? Somehow the Wt has taken these normal gifts of compassion that some people have and turned them into weaknesses. This is a great frustration to those I know who are still in there and trying to be decent loving human beings, but still fit into the WT "Christian" mold. Most of them have gone on medication now, as they have to remain in denial about what their religion is really teaching. Some of them continue on with their WT programmed mantra--"the brotherhood is sooooooo loving" as if trying to convince themselves that it is so.

    I admit I was one of those,


  • HadEnuf

    Personally Blondie...this is how I would have written this paragraph; (from my vast experience in the Borg).

    Add to this the stress of everyday life that the elders put on us, the competitive atmosphere at school or in the workplace the kingdom hall, and the struggle to make ends meet be well dressed, attend all the conventions and assemblies and special days and the need for expensive gas to run around in service not talking to anybody, and this natural tendency is intensified. This inclination toward selfishness is not on the wane, especially in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. The apostle Paul warned: "In the last days . . . men (elders & FDS & JW's) will become utterly self-centred." ?2 Timothy 3:1,2, Phillips.

    You are my hero Blondie!

    Cathy L.

  • ithinkisee

    I was interested to hear how our WT conductor approached this article since he has a hugely successful family business and all his kids drive fancy cars and have new homes.

    Unfortunately, he was in Colorado looking for investment property and a second home ...


  • bennyk


    Thanks for your hard work.

    Perhaps I should obtain a copy and cut out paragraph nine. It will be prove a great comfort to read it after the three-man spiritual Gentile Judicial Committee does their work and pronounces me an 'Evil Slave'.

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