I wonder how many of the rank and file know what a challenge it is for the secretary (?) to figure out who goes to what book study.
(3) Families who have in their home must go to their own home (The concept is too that they will most likely go on a regular basis and are "spriitually" strong.)
(3) Send a conductor if he is not in first family, his wife and any children
(2) Send a MS or another brother capable of conducting/reading, wife, and any children
(1) Send one regular pioneer (usually single sister)
(2-3) Send one problem family usually a single sister with children who has sporadic attendance
(2-3) Send one problem intact family, usually a father, mother and 2 children. The father is on restrictions so he can't read or conduct; intermittent attendance.
(-4) Family independent assigned to book study but prefer Elder Blowhard's conducting style.
Usually only the first 6 people show up on a regular basis.