I stopped all JW activity on June 12, 1996. My 18th birthday. I made arrangements to stay with some friends and they even lined me up a summer job. I snuck out in the middle of the night and left my parents a note. Then the stalking by them and the elders started but that is another story.
So how long has everyone been out?
by tyler m 30 Replies latest jw friends
So you just left because you didn't believe? Were you baptized? That would make a big difference.
I have been inactive for 3 years now.
Welcome, tyler.
I stopped going in the spring of 1999. A "sister" made a comment during WT study that to this day, I believe was directed at me.
The sister was (I'm sure still is) a known gossiper just like her mother and elder step-father. Her step-father was one of the elders in my JC meeting. And about two weeks later she made a comment that hit so close to home and then looked over in my direction.
I left that day and never went back. I was too embarrassed. I always said I would just go to another hall but never did. Then 4 years later when I was actually considering what to do regarding my life and the j-dubs I found this board. Now my J-dub life is just history.
So in answer to your actual qiestion: I have been in active 6 years.
Technically 8 years if I count all the phony field service reports.
Welcome again Tyler. -
AK - Jeff
Welcome Tyler
I like the new pic, Blondie!
Wifey and I left for good about 2 years back. We spent two lifetimes in [over 90 years between us], so we are just starting to get on our feet really. But never we will return.
tyler m
I believed it was the truth when I left and was baptized. Since I had such a miserable childhood I did not want to be in "paradise" and live forever with JW's. I also hated the jw god Jehovah and did not want to worship him. I decided that before I died at armageddon I was going to live life to the fullest and for a teenager that meant lots of well use your imagination.
It was actually "unbelievers" dad that told me the truth about the truth. Boy was I relieved that I was not going to die at armageddon. I was having too much fun.
There was rampant gossip in my congregation as well. You could always count on the elders squealing to their wives and then before you knew it everybody knew. You could walk into a room and they would be in their little groups and they would go silent. Then you could hear the whispers. If only the elders wives knew what their daughters had done with me. They would not be gossiping.
Let's see ,,,well i guess it has been over 25 years or closer to 30. Been so long i can't remember.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<See monkeys ain't so dumb
I was baptised in 1979 became inactive after 13 months in 1980 and disassociated in 1987. The reasons doctrinal disagreements, few in 1981 and many more in 1987, I also strongly disliked the totalitarian leadership of this org.and how they hated all constructive criticism and the lack of brotherly love.
Wasn't quite sure about certain things when I left but some years later the internet confirmed my worst suspicions for them, the FDS was indeed after all a big con artist and this org was a real cult liberally lying to, subtly manipulating and exploiting its followers. -
Been out since 1978. Thanks to sites like this I was able to reposition belief systems and mind control thoughts (after many years). Thanks Simon.
I went awol in 1974 at age 30. Two elders came to ask me if anything was wrong in 1984. I gave them 10 questions to answer for me and I am still waiting for them to answer them. I waited 9 more years and then I called one of them and asked him how he was doing with my questions. Nothing!
I read Crisis Of Conscience and had every question answered in that one book. Awesome! -
Welcome Tyler.
Left in '74.
Sent DA letter 93/94. Was DF for letter.
There is a lot of support to be found here. Folks have been there...done that...you are not alone.