I was not raised as a dub but my home was not happy. They didn't instill self-esteem in me - I had to build it up myself. It took several years.
When I made the mistake of becoming a JW as a young adult I had built up a pretty healthy self esteem. Not arrogance, not conceit, but I felt good about myself. But, after a few years and a few rude awakenings, I realized that they are dangerous to your self-esteem. They actually begrudge you your self esteem and your god-given dignity. A person (male or female - but espectially female) with a healthy self esteem ticks them off. I don't know if it is jealousy or what.
Certain people will actually antagonize you. When I realized this I retreated (for my own protection). I carefully selected who I would talk to and associate with, etc. I have been through a lot in my life and I was determined that nobody was going to do a number on my brain.