If one is expecting Jesus to start a religion, he did a terrible job. If you expect his teachings to only lead us to a way of connecting to the Essence of all things (he called "father"), he did all he could do considering his audience.
It doesn't matter that he wrote nothing. If he had written anything his writings would have been venerated, interpreted and analyzed more than the writings of later Christian writers such as Paul.
Every inspired spiritual leader, if his insight is recognized, is turned into a god and his teachings are embellished by generations of followers of followers. This sad development does not change the fact that Jesus, whether the man or the teaching (at least the teaching existed) was a great message.
Jesus spoke of a new concept; only the two laws of love, forgiveness and becoming "one with God". This is the "Way" or the "Tao" of that the man Jesus taught. It's bad enough that this "way" became a religious institution at the hands of his less inspired followers. It would have been worse if he had laid out rules and dogma AS IF he INTENDED to start a religion.