This was pretty fun. It said that the chance of my god being real was 0.7 What did you get?
Create your own diety...
by love11 21 Replies latest social entertainment
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You took 1 direct hit and you have bitten 1 bullet. The average player of this activity to date takes 1.39 hits and bites 1.11 bullets. 262777 people have so far undertaken this activity
Battleground Analysis
You have been awarded the TPM medal of distinction! This is our second highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.
The fact that you progressed through this activity being hit only once and biting very few bullets suggests that your beliefs about God are well thought out and almost entirely internally consistent.
The direct hit you suffered occurred because one set of your answers implied a logical contradiction. The bitten bullets occurred because you responded in ways that required that you held views that most people would have found strange, incredible or unpalatable. At the bottom of this page, we have reproduced the analyses of your direct hit and bitten bullets.
Because you only suffered one direct hit and bit very few bullets, you qualify for our second highest award. A good achievement!
Click here if you want to review the criteria by which hits and bullets are determined .
How did you do compared to other people?
- 262777 people have completed this activity to date.
- You suffered 1 direct hit and bit 1 bullet.
- This compares with the average player of this activity to date who takes 1.39 hits and bites 1.11 bullets.
- 45.88% of the people who have completed this activity, like you, took very little damage and were awarded the TPM Medal of Distinction.
- 7.54% of the people who have completed this activity emerged unscathed with the TPM Medal of Honour.
Battleground Analysis
You have been awarded the TPM service medal! This is our third highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.
The fact that you progressed through this activity without suffering many hits and biting no bullets suggests that whilst there are inconsistencies in your beliefs about God, on the whole they are well thought-out.
Click at the bottom of the page and fill out the battleground analysis, it's fun.
I guess I got a direct hit because I agreed that IF there was a god it would be capable of doing anything. Then it asked could god make 1 + 1= 75, I said no. Hence, the contridiction and I got a direct hit.
Hey candidly- you did great! I wonder how many hits a jw would get?
lol hehe
I am my own diety!!!!!!!!!
Hit # 2 forgot to post with hit #1
Earlier you said that it is not justifiable to base one's beliefs about the external world on a firm, inner conviction, paying no regard to the external evidence, or lack of it, for the truth or falsity of this conviction, but now you say it's justifiable to believe in God on just these grounds. That's a flagrant contradiction!
Here's my reasoning- I don't personally believe that God exists but if I want to believe in something that I know is not real, then that is my prerogative. Look how happy Santa makes everyone. I choose what part of the "god" belief I want because I'm part atheist, part catholic, part wiccan, part agnostic, all in one.
I choose what part of the "god" belief I want because I'm part atheist, part catholic, part wiccan, part agnostic, all in one.
...not that there's anything wrong with that...