Took one hit and bit no bullets.
I have no Deity but my patron saint is Ayn Rand.
by love11 21 Replies latest social entertainment
Took one hit and bit no bullets.
I have no Deity but my patron saint is Ayn Rand.
As I took the "Battleground" test before (from an earlier JWD thread) and made it with one hit (love11's second hit) I tried the "Create your own deity" this time. I checked no attribute and got a 1,0 (= top) consistency result -- although the comment was made that my "deity" probably didn't deserve the name "God," on which I readily agree...
I bit one bullet but disagree. My requiring a higher standard of proof for god than evolution is not a flaw in logic. If I told my wife that I had a flat tire last night driving home and that was why I was late, she would likely accept that with a minimum of proof ( such as:I was driving and tires do go flat) If however I told her that aliens had shot out my tire with a particle canon and that was why i was late, she would likely presume I was delerious or lying. Why? Yes she still knows that I was driving and that tires go flat but the extraordinary means I offered runs counter to known facts and exprience. She, like anyone, would reasonably require more proof.
upside- We should all celebrate festivus for the rest of us!!!! I miss new Seinfield's.
I think it's time for this generations new crack pot religion to start and make up it's own holidays. Hey, maybe thousands of years from now people will be celebrating festivus holidays! lol I wonder what that would look like?!!! lol
My requiring a higher standard of proof for god than evolution is not a flaw in logic.
What do you mean? I've always heard that evolution would disprove god.
My diety (omnibenevolent, omniescent, eternal, personal diety) had a plausibility quotient of 0.8
The quibbles were with what "eternal" means, and how one could have a personal relationship with something so unlike us.
Blasted metaphysicists!!!!! Poking holes in my sasquatch god before I could even start recruiting cult shmucks honest hearted ones.
My quotient was 1.0...whatever that means.... I took the BattleGround are the results:
You have been awarded the TPM medal of honour! This is our highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.
The fact that you progressed through this activity neither being hit nor biting a bullet suggests that your beliefs about God are internally consistent and very well thought out.
A direct hit would have occurred had you answered in a way that implied a logical contradiction. You would have bitten bullets had you responded in ways that required that you held views that most people would have found strange, incredible or unpalatable. However, you avoided both these fates - and in doing so qualify for our highest award. A fine achievement!
Click here if you want to review the criteria by which hits and bullets are determined.
How did you do compared to other people?
? 262843 people have completed this activity to date.
? You suffered zero direct hits and bit zero bullets.
? This compares with the average player of this activity to date who takes 1.39 hits and bites 1.11 bullets.
? 7.54% of the people who have completed this activity, like you, emerged unscathed with the TPM Medal of Honour.
? 45.88% of the people who have completed this activity took very little damage and were awarded the TPM Medal of Distinction.
EF- yay we have a winner! I wasn't sure if anyone was going to get a perfect score.
I said that I wanted my god to be all- loving and all- free. I guess that is a contradiction since someone is not really free if they can only be one way- loving.
well blame my judeo-christian/taoist/buddhist belief structure....
Gold star for me
OK evil force just explained that biting a bullet simply means that I'm strange, I guess I already knew that.