Why ask this question?
Because, the recent furor over the death of the lady whose plug was pulled demonstrated how emotional people are; yet, illogical.
I wanted to tap in to the wildly varying opinions and reasons attached to this subject.
We have the technology to enable people to avoid physical suffering at the point of death which would make it much more humane. However, since people do not think rationally at all about death; this never seems to happen.
I watched two people in my family suffer outrageous pain from cancer for nothing but the whim of the doctors. My mother and my grandfather pleaded to be allowed to die with dignity and they were refused.
If our life does not belong to us; then it is not OUR life. If there is no freedom of choice in a Free Country; there is a travesty.
People don't seem to have the personal courage to look at death for what it is: inevitible and nasty. We can't do anything much about the inevitible part; but, we can certainly address the "nasty".
The quality of mercy is sadly lacking because of religious confusion. Life doesn't mean a damned thing per se. It is the nature and quality of that life TO THE PERSON themselves that matters. By confusing this issue and keeping it abstract (life is life is life..is sacred) anything goes.
My life is mine! My autonomy is what makes me a person. If I cannot have the freedom to decide about what is mine---I cannot be said to be free or a person.
How can so many people be led astray?