I thought the same thing....
It's the UN's fault! They didn't do their homework on US.
I wonder if the UN wanted to join the WTS what would happen...?
by upside/down 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I thought the same thing....
It's the UN's fault! They didn't do their homework on US.
I wonder if the UN wanted to join the WTS what would happen...?
I find that my parents can't follow a complex argument to save their life, especially if it is one where one is meant to extrapolate something;
Sounds a lot like my wife.
Is it our fault the UN approved us and didn't know how we felt about them? It was no secret.
If you felt that you hated someone why would you want to join their organization.
Sorry but that is some stupid logic.
Is it our fault the UN approved us and didn't know how we felt about them? It was no secret.
You will never get through to him unless he drops the us/them attitude.
upside down, congrats on your efforts to help your friend.
he replied to you exactly as i thought he would, i would have made the same excuses myself a year ago, and i agree when someone said he wouldnt go near c.o.c. with a 10ft. bargepole.not that you should give up on him, no, i think you are doing a great job breaking down the barriers.
you are at the very least making him think, you can never tell how his mind will be turning over these issues.maybe someday in the future he too will be made to think due to some upset in his own life.
right now his life is probably sweet, no worries as we say over here.a lot of us here were happy to go along with all the lies for a long time, then,bang out of nowhere,we are attacked by an occasion that shatters the whole illusion,then we start to question,question, question, and hopefully when that time comes for him you will be there for him.
great post keep it up.mr.alw.
"I forgot to ask him WHY did they abruptly quit the UN "thing" if there's nothing wrong with it?"
We didn't do anything wrong, but won't do it again.
Your friend's response is disappointing and interesting at the same time. So the WTS had someone actually attending meetings at the UN? Wow. Hypocrites!
Is it our fault the UN approved us and didn't know how we felt about them? It was no secret.Ha! That does not even make sense.
That is so true. They DID make it a secret when they filled out application forms time and again stating they would support UN initiatives and submitted literature they claimed to be supportive of the UN. So when they filled out the application forms and sent in the literature, were they lying?=good question to ask your friend
For me, all that crap reasoning they use falls apart after reading only two scriptures: Luke 17:1-3 and Roman 1:28-2:11
Where can they go away to, after that? By attaching themselves to an inexcusable organization, they make themselves inexcusable.
w76 10/15 p. 633
The Worship of the "Wild Beast" - Why True Christians Refuse
The book of Revelation reveals that pressures would be applied to earth?s inhabitants to become worshipers of the Devil-controlled "wild beast." We are informed that all persons would be put under compulsion--"the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name."--Rev. 13:16, 17.
The "mark" of the beast would identify the one having it as belonging to that "wild beast," giving it full support. Ellicott's Bible Commentary notes that the mark "surely means the acquiescence to the principles of this tyrannical world-power."
Now the question is, Could a true Christian give his full assent to the "wild beast"? Not if he wants to remain loyal to Jehovah God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Revelation 13:8 states that the "name of not one of the worshipers of the wild beast stands written in the scroll of life of the Lamb."
Who received the mark in 1992 when they used the credentials that obliged, not merely acquiescence to but, support for "the principles of this tyrannical world power?"
If you guessed "WTS," you guessed correctly!
I would really like AlanF's reply..... Alan you out there?
Comparison of UN to YMCA