It was meant to be "pseudo-C++ or Java" The board ate my indentations. Otherwise I would have been modded +5,Funny for surez!
Whoops, wrong board :-)
by Elsewhere 61 Replies latest jw friends
It was meant to be "pseudo-C++ or Java" The board ate my indentations. Otherwise I would have been modded +5,Funny for surez!
Whoops, wrong board :-)
Yeah that is it... when pondering the mysteries of love and romance, write a c program.Since it's object-oriented and uses a period as the object method operator, so I'm thinking it would have to be C#.
I might have understood it if it were written in VB So much easier for me to read Yes, I am a nerd as well...
Personally, I have experienced the staring thing from someone at work and it drove me crazy! We actually started out as friends and I could tell he was really starting to get interested. I just severly limited the time I spent with him. I spoke only regarding work and ended the conversation once work was no longer the subject with "I've really got to get back to work". As for the staring it eventually bugged me to the point where I said, "I would prefer it if you could not stare at me. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I know you don't mean to but it's one of my pet peeves." He took it ok and eventually he lost interest.
You'd probably have to tell me to stop staring too though Else... I know I would be making googly eyes at you
I'm with tijkmo,
honesty is the best.
You can be brutally honest of gently.
I'd prefer a guy to be honest than pretend, this girl may be infatuated with you, the more you're nice to her the worse it's gonna get. She's probably reading you signals all wrong.
Hey there distressed one! You have my curse I'm afraid, we're just too nice for our own good! I absolutely hate being put into a position where I have to act against my nice pleasant character and be brutual and tell these completely clueless people that they've got an icecubes chance in hell, ai-ya-yai!
I'm afraid there will always be a select part of humanity who have missed the boat when it comes to social grace, some unfortunately are entirely lacking in the area of signal reading. I find, and this is doing it the hard way, but if you're a fairly self-aware person who know's what level of compatabilities are vital for a potential relationship, then generally upon closer acquaintance with the person they should gradually become aware of the inconsistencies that you see. Not that it's our responsibility to educate these people, and if they're of a certain age (25+ well there's pretty much no hope for em';-).
Alternatively, you could start flashing around a wedding band...desperate women generally pay a great amount of attention to wedding bands. Or you could create a ficticious lover, or just get it on with another office employee, and wait for the news to get around the office...which generally takes less than a few hours. Or, and this is perhaps a little too creative, "accidentally" send her an email written to a ficticious lover telling them how much you enjoyed your intimate weekend away together, and are looking forward to giving her that full body massage tonight (be careful not to contravine the office sexcual harassment policy though!)...then send a subsequent email to the clueless chick apologising for sending the email to her in yourerror:-))) hehe
All the best! let us know how you go...froglett
Cmon, Else, you know what to do.
Ignore her, plain and simple.
Edit: She is making no advance. Just ignore her cow-like longing gazes. Fuck, it can't be too difficult. *heheheh, been there*
"how do I make it stop???"
Hook her up with that 12 step support group ... "on anon anon"
I might have understood it if it were written in VB
VB? VB = VIctoria Bitter = Australia's most popular beer.
Check_Your_Premises wrote:
Oh no, and I thought that going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on without taking a breath really impressed a guy. I'm finally finding out why I'm single. Thanks elsewhere, I'm never saying a word again. All I will do form now on is wink.
No, serious.. I'd be honest and tell her you're not interested. Not that you don't enjoy her conversations, you are just not ready for a relationship right now, ya know what I mean?
Well, at least you have the correct username You would prefer to be Elsewhere when she's around