So what do they do instead? They tell you to prepare for each of the meetings you do go to. So you have Monday night preparing for Tuesday night. You have Weds. night preparing for Thursday night. You have Friday night preparing for Saturday service. You have Saturday night preparing for WT Study.
If you actually follow the advice (bombardment of Fear Obligation and Guilt) you will have very little time to do anything else. Exactly what they want. It appears to me that most
of the dubs are doing those things but in a most basic manner. They don't study their WT like they used to, they preparing in 15-20 minutes. The old timers would take an hour or more. Same for the rest of the preparation
TheListener has made some very good points, as well as everyone who has posted. The time invested seems to be the main interest where the WTS is concerned. As TL said, the time JWs are not physically there at a meeting, that time is spent preparing for a meeting.
Then we see the business (pun intended) of filling up the old service bags with everything under the sun, so as to be "well-equipped", so the $$$ end of things is at the top of things whether JWs admit it or not. WHO benefits from having a well stocked service bag---the JW? a householder? or the WTS?.
How many of us spent waaaay much more $$$ on "materials" for being a loyal JW, than we ever got in return? I think about all the outfits, shoes, books, bookbags, all for the KH and related meetings and assemblies----that was spent on five kids and myself.
How much more could I have given my kids all those years if we weren't joined at the hip to the WTS. Things like the "better" sneakers and more trips and movies would have been allowed for, but the "frivilous" things always had to take a far back seat to the "necessary" things ala WTS needs.
(Sorry-I got into a bit of venting there)
I was exactly where the WTS wanted me for too many years and bought the whole ball of wax. I loathe them for everything they stand for, and I feel sorry for those that are living under this FOG.