Who Was Shocked By the Watchtower UN NGO Scandal?
by AlanF 121 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Is the "publcity" coming ?
Definately shocked. I mean, the UN was the devil/beast itself. My JW parents were conspiracy nuts, and the UN/one world government, Illuminati and One World Government was ALL I heard about since the late 1970s! I could have wrote the screen play, Conspiracy Theory, based on my parent's thinking.
Im pretty new here and am wondering what all this is about... Can I have a link to read up on it please? Or can someone give me a quick run down?
Thanks, Jas
Mr. Beaker,
For starters, give yourself the treat of the shock some felt when they saw this:
(click on the link for "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society")
This "Best Of" thread will get you complete information:
What saddens me is that I was in the Borg for just under 40 years, and today's date is the 22/01/2014 and it wasn't until 18 months ago that I first heard of the NGO thing. Nor did I ever suspect there was a pedophile problem either. Just amazes me now.
joe134cd: I feel your pain.
Put simply: At first I was confused; then hurt; then outraged! That new fact changed my entire life.
When I found out about NGO, I was in the middle of my own **2nd** family/WT child abuse scandal. I was so confused what was happening with the WT and the elders. It felt like I was in a fun house. What was black was white and what was white was black. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was in the midst of cognitive dissonance. I knew there had to be an answer to the craziness of the situation None of it made sense, so I searched for answers determinded to find the truth.
During my research, I stumbled on the information about NGO. It was so upsetting, as we had preached for years about the coming destruction of the U.N.! Then I remembered wondering about a picture in the Revelation book with the world leaders and seeing on the side of the picture in small letters something about 'courtesy of the U.N.' and thinking how odd that was. Well, that began another researching tangent. I tried to prove to myself that it was all untrue. But I couldn‘t. The evidence was there. It was true. Learning about NGO was the turning point for me in accepting the TTATT and the answers to the abuse quandary.
It was at that point that I stepped out of the fun house; When I looked around, I saw that white was still white and black is still black. It changed my life. I can’t say I’m especially overjoyed that I found TTATT, as it affected my entire life as a 4th generation JW....BUT I am satisfied that I have made the right choices and am settled in my mind and heart. It's dealing with those who are uninformed that is a challenge.
To this day many rank and file JW's do not know about the UN NGO issue. Very sad.
To this day many rank and file JW's do not know about the UN NGO issue.
But most would accept the BS explanation of the "Library Card" for access to information.
la dee da la dee da
DesirousOfChange; Yes, denial is sometimes easier than acceptance.