Yes sKally, "recruiting ploy" was what it was, although, at the time, such a thought never entered into my mind. I assumed the objective was to attract people to our organization through interesting and thought- provoking articles in the WT or the Awake!. As a thoroughly convinced JW, I didn't think it was devious to hide the "difficult things to understand," but offering positive thoughts was a good way to appeal to "spiritually hungry ones." It was how in my Bethel assignment I was "preaching the good news of the Kingdom." Now because of what I know about the history of Jehovah's Witnesses, I can say I was engaged in the preaching of "designed lies."
Who Was Shocked By the Watchtower UN NGO Scandal?
by AlanF 121 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I was never a dub but still was very shocked that they would turn around and do what they did . I've read many publications and did agree that the wild beast of revelation was in fact the world political organization known as the UN . They are the only religion that even interprets it that way and then they go ahead and join as an NGO , It's not like they told anybody about it to begin with , apparently somebody was looking at the list of NGOs and posted it on the web , so most members were completely unaware of what had been done .
Barb said the following:
Accordingly, we can assume that this UN/NGO matter was in the works from the beginning of 1991 or before. Whose idea it was, I have no way of knowing, but I will say that there had to be many people at the very top of the organization who were deeply involved.
Please go to my posting on this topic - click on the link (note this link may not be operational all the time) and read:
The reader will note that Lloyd Barry (former Governing Body member and vice president) and Mr. Don Adams (President) names were written down as the director of the corporation in the DPI Directories published lists of 1994, 1997, 1999 and 2001 of NGOs that were "associated" with the DPI. In order to either become an "associated NGO" or renew the accreditation on annual basis and to get their names in the DPI Directories, the forms had to be filled out and signed by the Watchtower Directors - Barry and Adams.
My point is this - Barb's above-noted comment is factually supported by evidence from an independent source - the United Nations DPI's directory publications.
Also I want to bring the following posts I made forward in this:
Lets looks at this quote from here :
Watchtower magazine of June 1, 1991 pages 15-20 Their Refuge-A Lie!
10 However, she has not done so. Instead, in her quest for peace and security, she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nationsthis despite the Bibles warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God. (James 4:4) Moreover, in 1919 she strongly advocated the League of Nations as mans best hope for peace. Since 1945 she has put her hope in the United Nations. (Compare Revelation 17:3, 11.) How extensive is her involvement with this organization?
11 A recent book gives an idea when it states: No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. Several of the worlds religious leaders have visited the international organization. Most memorable were the visits of His Holiness Pope Paul VI during the General Assembly in 1965 and of Pope John Paul II in 1979. Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns and services for the United Nations. The most important examples are those of the Catholic, the Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Bahai faiths.
Mad Apostate found the quote in paragraph 11 in "Prayer And Meditation At The United Nations"-- Robert Muller "
"Prayer, meditation and spirituality at the UN are fascinating subjects. All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations. For example, no less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN. Several of the world's religious leaders have visited the international organization. Most memorable were the visits of His Holiness Pope Paul VI during the General Assembly in 1965 and of Pope John Paul II in 1979. Many religions have special invocations, prayers, hymns and services for the United Nations. The most important examples are those of the Catholic, the Unitarian-Universalist, the Baptist and the Bahai faiths. It is a common practice of the Unitarian-Universalists to display the United Nations flag in their houses of worship. So does the Holy Family Church, the parish church of the UN, with its international reliquary and its many religious services and activities catering to world peace and to the international community.
This was a great find by Mad Apostate. The title of the book is "New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality" (ISBN # 1-680465-04-3), Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Image Books, 1982, 1984. The Muller article ("Prayer And Meditation At The United Nations") is found in Part 1, Chapter 6, pages 45 to 49 of the Book. Note the quote found in the June 1, 1991 Watchtower article is at the start of the Muller essay on page 45, paragraph 1.
Mad Apostate stated the following with respect to this issue:
This "Study Article", published in the June 1, 1991 issue, would have come out at almost the exact same time they were putting together the Application for NGO affiliation, which was approved in (July?) 1992.
Read the article carefully, and then explain why this sentence was left out of the quote: "All major world religions are accredited to the United Nations as non-governmental organizations."
Would not this sentence actually make the quote (thus the point) even stronger?
It's exclusion can only be interpreted as intentional, and if so, WHY???
The editor(s) knew that they too were seeking the exact same relationship with the U.N.!!!
Now Lets look at this quote from the Watchtower magazine76/12/1 711 Can an Image Bring Peace and Security? :
The WT of 1976 was also just as clear. Here - let me restate the key portions from the 1976 article for you:
... Do they act like the harlot, "Babylon the Great"?....
... Sixteen Catholic international organizations contribute formally to the work of ECOSOC and various Specialized Agencies through the medium of consultative status with these bodies, and Catholic groups and individuals in various countries contribute to the formation of national policy and action with regard to the UN.??Vol. 14, p. 423.
Will all such friendliness with the world be of real benefit to any religious system? No, the Bible declares that ?Babylon the Great,? the harlotrous religious empire, will experience a great shock. Revelation 17:16 says: ?The ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire.?
So there is real danger in becoming involved with the ?scarlet-colored wild beast.? Never will it bring real peace and security ....
... For that reason those who join in any U.N. cry of ?Peace and security!? face disaster, even if they are not in sympathy with ?Babylon the Great.?
Are you acting in harmony with this advance knowledge? Have you separated yourself from the world?s ways, attitudes and actions?...
Clearly being like one of the 16 NGOs would be considered by the 1976 Watchtower as becoming involved with the beast - and that was and still is a big time no no.
Now lets look at this from Hooberus
Watchtower 1976 10/15 632-6
The "mark" of the beast would identify the one having it as belonging to that "wild beast," giving it full support. Ellicott's Bible Commentary notes that the mark 'surely means the acquiescence to the principals of this tyrannical world-power.'
In modern times, the Christain body, known world wide as Jehovah's Witnesses, has experienced from the "wild beast" the same things as first-century Christians. Take the African county of Malawi, for example. There all citizens have been required to become members of the country's only existing political party, the "Malawi Congress Party." A membership card costing about twenty-five cents (U.S.) identifies the bearer as 'acquiescing to the principals of the ruling political party,' . . .
As Jehovah's Witnesses they value their relationship to God and Christ above everything else. Were they to identify themselves as giving unquestioning support to any politcal arrangement, they would be acting contrary to the Bible's teaching that all human governmental systems exist by God's toleration only until such time as he chooses to replace them by his kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ. (Dan. 2:44; 7:13, 14) Jehovah's Witnesses have promised to give unqualified allegiance exclusively to God and Christ. Any act on their part that would indicate otherwise, therefore, would be an act of disloyalty. Such an act would be taking away from God and Christ their rightful due and would be worship fo the "wild beast."
No matter how insignificant the act required may seem, a Christian's engaging in such worship would mean his being disloyal to God and Christ.
Comments: In order to get the insignificant twenty-five cent Malawi poltical card an applicant would be 'acquiescing to the principals of the ruling polital party" they would by receiving this card act be taking the mark of the beast, because in order to get the card they would have to indicate that they support and acquiescing to the principals of the political entity.
The Watchtower in order to receive their "card" had to register as an NGO and agree to:
a) The NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;
Finally lets look at the letter from Paul Hoeffel of the UN and Steve Bates Tablet articles where the WTS voluntarily agreed to support a UN Charter that allows for war under Chapter 7 (which is a disfellowshipping/disassociating offence) -
The WTB&TS is still presently a NGO and it was "accredited" between Feb. 14, 1992 until October 9, 2001 with the United Nations' Department of Public Information. Thus, as per the 1991 and 1976 Watchtower magazines, the WTS was knowingly practicing in the same way as all the rest of false religion.
Enough said
Always nice to see you posting {{hawkaw}}.
For the lurkers:
A portion therein:
2] How bad a sin is it ?
Resolution passed at the 1963 Everlasting Good News convention of the JWs
WE JEHOVAH'S witnesses, met together in [City, State, Country], in one of the "Everlasting Good News" assemblies being held in a continuous chain around the whole world this year of 1963, do this day declare and resolve as follows:
2 THAT the one living and true God, the Creator of heaven and earth, whose name is Jehovah, is the only God whom we fear and glorify. Him alone will we worship; for him only will we be witnesses in the universal contest now in progress over the question, Who is the Everlasting, All-wise, All-powerful God? and him alone will we urge all peoples everywhere, of whatever race, nationality, tribe, color and language, to worship as the true God without equal;
3 THAT the Holy Bible, written under inspiration originally in Hebrew, Aramaic and ancient Greek, is his written Word. It is the channel of the one revealed religion that is the absolute truth and that is the unerring guide to pure worship acceptable to God;
4 THAT God the Creator, to whom his own written Word gives the name Jehovah thousands of times, is the King of Eternity and the Eternal Sovereign of the universe, and to him we owe our supreme allegiance and unqualified obedience. Only by his permission and tolerance have men set up political governments for what is understood to be the public good. His permission for this was not to continue forever or even indefinitely, but was to be brought to an end by the establishment of the kingdom of his beloved Son, the Messiah or Anointed One, the Christ, who was named Jesus when on earth as a perfect man. In the year 1914 the combination of events began on earth that he said would be a visible sign to us that Jehovah God had taken his sovereign power in that year and had set up the kingdom of his Son Jesus Christ for the government of this earth. According to the published information from the Holy Bible, the time then came for all the political nations to yield their sovereignty in the earth peaceably over to the heavenly kingdom of God's enthroned Son Jesus Christ. World history shows that, instead, more than a score of nations, led by Christendom, engaged in a global war for world domination. Because of this course the nations entered into the "time of the end" foretold in the Holy Bible, which will reach a conclusion in their violent destruction;
5 THAT, in order to prevent the destruction of the nations by their own means in war, the nations further refused the surrender of their sovereignty to God's Messianic kingdom by setting up a society of nations, which, since 1945, has taken the form and the name of the United Nations, with international headquarters at New York city. This international organization stands for world sovereignty by political men. For years men without faith in God's kingdom have endeavored to get all people to worship this international image of human political sovereignty as the best hope for earthly peace and security, in fact, the last hope for humanity. To date 111 nations have given worship to this political image by becoming members of it. However, we, as witnesses of the Sovereign God Jehovah, will continue refusing to engage in such idolatrous worship, for we see, under angelic enlightenment, that God has smitten such idolaters with a malignant ulcer, symbolically speaking, that will spell death to them as spiritually diseased image worshipers who worship a man-made political creation rather than the Creator of heaven and earth;
Although I had been out of the WTS a couple of years----when I first heard of this, I really thought that tere must have been a mistake somehow. As Much as I loathed the WTS, I could not imagine them having anything to do with the UN on a friendly basis!
When it was proven to me, I was absolutely furious! How dare they? The same reasons as other posters had given, and especially having a handicapped child here that would have had access priveleges to the new YMCA---that I had to turn down because of what they represented! It just made me so angry.
As time went along, and we all wondered how on earth the WTS could possibly talk their way out of all this----they come up with that cheesy excuse about a library card!
I could just throw up when I hear that utter foolishness about the WTS that "we be imperfect". There are mistakes---honest mistakes---and there is a ten-year long deception to the very JWs who trusted them---that suddenly vanished when they were found out! BIG difference.
Mother was indeed caught flat on her back with her panties down around her ankles, and her children were hurrying to clean her up and stand her back up so she could be honored once again. What puzzles me, is how could those children ever trust "Mother" again, let alone respect her?
I had been out for about 14 years before I read about this scandel. It made me furious...and still does to be honest. I have blasted my parents with this, as recently they have been "limiting" their association with my brother because of some choices.
Thanks for the kind comment sf. I have so little time lately to devote to this db ... sigh ... and I still have to read Barb's thread on her court case.
I still think of all those Jehovah's Witnesses people who got raped, beaten and killed in Malawi in support of the leadership's anti-government/anti-political teachings (or those men who are sitting in jails in Greece for refusing to join the military etc.). Then, while all that persecution happened in the Watchtower history I see this same leadership doing this voluntary association and yearly renewal with a governmental body whose Charter called for war actions. You wonder just who was persecuting who here and all for a friggen UN library card that they actually did not need if they took some time to investigate how the UN library system works. At a minimum the leadership should be rotting in jail for what they have counseled their flock to do. And the membership should be wearing brown paper bags over their heads during their yearly arena gatherings due to the embarrassment the leadership has caused them.
There is one thing I hope helps in all of this UN exposure. I hope as many Jehovah's Witnesses as possible took off their rose coloured glasses and began to think, critically, for themselves and recognized the importance of their freedom in their life and what freedom truly offers them.
I hope as many Jehovah's Witnesses as possible took off their rose coloured glasses and began to think, critically, for themselves and recognized the importance of their freedom in their life and what freedom truly offers them.
I'd like to think that too, but we still see the die-hard JWs and apologists taking up the sword of defense "against all foes" and not realizing that their biggest "foe" is the WTS itself.
It's almost sad, to see such tremendous loyalty devoted to those who deserve none.
Well my friend, you are welcomed.
actually did not need if they took some time to investigate how the UN library system works.
Ah yes, investigation into just how the beast operates. Yea, you would think, uh?
I found an awesome site, if you all can translate it. It has oldie-but-goodie graphics of WT depictions of the harlot:
My favorite is this, just saved it too:
Beautiful eh? LOL...the one on top with the vicious eyes looks like my demon dawg when she hears critters in the back yard and wants to tear their heads off. lololol I'M NOT KIDDING EITHER!
You know sf, I sent all those wonderful pictures to Laurie Goodstein at the Times back about ... hmm ... a year ago. I keyed in on the UN ones and the World Trade Centre ones to get the point accross.
I had Scully help me review my letter if I recall. Seeing I am not a JW and have a real sick sense of humour I was on the floor killing myself laughing over all the pictures that I found at Randy's, Quotes' and other sites.
Laurie never responded back to me over it but I wonder what she really thought of those pictures and the JWs .... especially after her August 11, 2002 story in the Times on the Child Abuse.
Here is hoping the FBI has them!