Who left the JW's after getting on the internet?

by toladest 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • toladest

    Vitta's thread above got me wondering. How many here still believed the "witnesses" to have the truth until they came to sites like this? How many actually came here to defend the JW's and ended up leaving?

    In my case, I knew the WTS was wrong in the way they handled child abuse and it was causing some other doubts to surface, but I really came to the net because they called me an apostate and I wanted to see if other apostates were just like me or if they were the monsters the WTS told me they were my whole life. My eyes were opened wide by the net. If it were not for that I would have probably gone on thinking they had the truth in most areas.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i think in my case, i subconciously knew it was rubbish for some time. but when i did come online, the world opened up to me. i started small and low key, learning about scientific method and evolution before my questions brought me to sites like this and others.

  • Es

    I already had left before i came to this site, but I know if i dah stumbled on it 5 years ago I would have left earlier es

  • diamondblue1974

    It wasnt the internet that made me leave it was the WTS stance on child abuse and new light about the 1914 generation that placed serious doubts in my mind...it was then the fade began.

    However I must confess that the internet has prevented me from ever going back; it was amazing to find so many people who have experienced some of the things I have. Whilst I initially felt unique in my treatment it soon became apparent it wasnt just me and that the WTS problems were there right there at the core.

    WTS baaaad

    WWW goooood


  • outnfree

    I always thought that the first guy in my KH that was known to be computer savvy dropped out because of what he learned web-surfing. His wife came with her teenage son to the meetings for a while, and then the son never "progressed" to baptism and eventually faded from site. She stayed around a while longer, but I'm not sure she's still in, either. In the meantime, I started out as an apologist and then found H2O and this site and basically never looked back. There is NO DEFENDING Watchitower doctrine. It is full of more holes than a large sieve.


  • luna2

    I only started looking at these aposta-sites about two weeks ago and am stunned at how quickly I accepted that JW's don't have the truth. I haven't been active or gone to meetings in about three years, but I still thought that maybe I'd go back one day. Not any more.

  • IP_SEC

    Nope. I've been online a long long time. I was thinking I was an antichrist piece of crap long before I went searching for 'postate stuff on the web. I first went searching to see if there was anyone out there like me. There was... thank goodness.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    We [like most witnesses] were terrified of the internet and it's 'dangers'.Some research and personal doubts lead us to do a few internet searches. We would not look at anything that was close to this site at first. Then somehow I came across info on Ray's books on the internet. I had been in the 'truth' for all my life in essence and I had no idea that Ray Franz had even written a book. I was afraid to read it, even though my doubts had increased over time. Finally after laboring over the desire to read them vs the fear of apostates and opposers we read them. [Even then it was wifey who ordered them and then told me they were on the way, not sure I would have done so as quickly]

    Long story, short. We would have had no idea where to go with our doubts without the internet. It was scarey at first, but it was the only way we had in our small town to get at any real 'truth about the truth'. I will be grateful forever for this invention called internet.


  • frankiespeakin

    I was having doubts about the WT's truthfulness and the internet pushed me over the edge to utter and complete disbelief.

  • iiz2cool

    For several years I thought there was something that wasn't right about the WTS, but I was still a believer when I first started reading "apostate" web sites. The sites confirmed my suspicions and showed me a lot about the society I didn't know.

    And they showed me how Jehovah's Witnesses can be refuted both from the bible and from the Watchtower's own publications.


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