Was The Govering Body Decieved Into Dividing Up The Organization?

by frankiespeakin 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    What If the Legal advice that the Governing Body got to divide up into all those diferent organizations was actually a very clever sceem to take way control from the Governing Body,, and they fell for it hook line and sinker???

    Anybody who has been in the legal department at bethel, for just a short time must realize the GB are seriously full of shit. That's why I think either for selfish reasons or just plane disgust,, some individual or perhaps several individuals could easily play on the fears of the Governing Body to manipulate them to make huge mistakes, like dividing up into all these different organizations.

    Now think about this,,, playing on them in that way must be very easy for someone in legal or some other important department ,, a clever person and perhaps abitious would seaze on that right away. And they would be easily successfull,, all the while making beleive they really felt this was God's organization. They could have the Governing Body like puddy in thier hands.

  • iiz2cool

    You mean we may eventually see several versions of Jehovah's Witnesses?



  • Satanus

    Could be. They may have seen that the doddering gb was not as successful as they should be. They then used the restructuring to get more control, to make changes that will improve the wt bottom line. It is a business, after all.


  • Elsewhere

    I suspect that the primary reason for breaking the WTS into several different legal entities is to prevent any particular group from being able to successfully reform the WTS.

    One group handles the congregations, another writing, another publishing and printing, another the service department, etc... each cannot survive without the others, yet none are subordinate to the others. If the leaders of any one or two tried to reform, the remaining legal entities would deny them vital services.

    In the end this forces any potential reformers to form their own new and external organization with little or no resources of their own... almost certainly dooming them to failure.

  • breeze

    There are eight corporations right? Maybe it's not a control issue at all!!!

    Are your sure it's not just about the money?

    Can anyone confirm that someone on the GB hasn't filled their pockets full???


  • inbyathread
    One group handles the congregations, another writing, another publishing and printing, another the service department, etc... each cannot survive without the others.

    But none can survive without the financial and "voluntary" labor that the 6 million distributors provide. No lawyer will be able to force us to hand over our cash and muscle once all understand the deception that really took place.

    They have cash reserves from the recent sale of their NY buildings, but it won't last for long. Settlement and hush payments will take much of it. As soon as these settlement cases are brought to light. Then the faithful will see where their money is going and they too will depart quickly along with their money. The WT along with Babylon the Great is drying up.

  • heathen

    I thought they did it to avoid taxes , much like the move to donations . They can also avoid lawsuits as well since the GB are no longer in charge of any of the material end of things but still have charge over the doctrines they avoid responsibility for wrongful death suits over the blood issue or child molesting issues . Yes jehovahs chariot like organization knows how to park right in all the legal loopholes .

  • jula71

    That's my thought, taxes. It's better to spread out "donations" over 8 different entities then try to keep the one lump sum under one name.

  • ljwtiamb

    Perhaps it has to do with liability.

    All of the culpable decisions were formerly made by the gb, who were the same as WTS corporation directors.

    Now that the results of those decisions are coming to light, who do you legally pursue? the guys who authorized the books? the guys who printed the books? the guys who taught from the books? the guys who judged from the books?

    Even if you could narrow it down, on which country do you now focus? Each is sure to complicate the issues by their individual legal systems. And through it all, the gb remain 'spiritual' leaders without any corporate responsibility.

    Maybe the UN/NGO relationship was not a vain mistake after all? They are learning to operate like a government entity with all of its inherent complexity and red tape.

  • heathen

    Exactly like playing a shell game , who do you petition in a lawsuit against these people ? Who is responsible for telling members that are battered and abused by their spouse that the church can only show support for them if they continue to live in those conditions and to persue a different course is to bring the wrath of the church down on you ? Who is to blame when child molesters are let loose because there wasn't 2 witnesses ? Who is to blame when people die because of refusal to take a blood transfusion only because the church enforces shunning policies that are unfair ? I'm pretty sure that the elders hand book tells them to handle things in ways that the WTBTS cannot be held accountable .

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