Was The Govering Body Decieved Into Dividing Up The Organization?

by frankiespeakin 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    One thing I think we need to remember is that most of the GB at the time the extra corparations were formed were very old and frail,,which means they are not that sharp mentally(old and set in thier ways of thinking) and easily decieved. That being the case they would never really be able to understand all the details of such a move but would have to take these moves under advisement,and legal counsil,, someone who could explain it to a pretty near brain dead GB. They would never really be able to understand it themselves thier minds as a whole or body are not geared towards that stuff.

    Who ever it is that the GB look to for advice in this area, has great power over them, and would know and understand thier fears,,which would allow for easy manipulation,,because that person or persons would know all the right buttons to push. To me it seems like we could see another Lawyer type take over similar to the legal eagle JF Rutherfords take over back in the early 1900s.

  • ljwtiamb


    You may be onto something.

    I know that something big is in the works from all the buzz I get from current bethelites. Everyone, 'feels' that changes will be announced, but the R&F bethelites feel left in the dark.

    However, there is a very tight circle of trust up there right now and they are keeping everyone in check with the threat of the apostate label.

    They sent the last few potential trouble makers out to 'pioneer pasture' over the last few years. That way they don't have to DF so many and endure the bad 'underground' press. Plus, everytime they DF someone as an apostate, they open up the potential for more inside info confidentiality leaks (i.e.: Franz, Watters, Cabeen, Anderson).

    One thing's for sure, there has to be a major doctrine/organization change within the next few years to hold on to the bulk of current membership.

  • frankiespeakin


    I do really feel the GB have been checkmated at thier own gamw or will soon be. I just hope that whoever it is that takes the control aways from the Governing Body,,does so with good motives,,and is not another tyrrant like the Judge.

    It would be nice if some from the legal department wrestled control from the GB and then turned around and changed the organization to be more tolerant which would probably spell the end of it as a religion and leave it more like a social club. Hey if they did that I wouldn't mind if they provided materially for all the old timers there at bethel and all the bethels around the world and even kept a few million for themselves as a benifit. To me that wouldn't be so bad,, and perhaps to also send the currant GB away to some retirement home to live out the remainder of thier life with a very small pension(very very small pension).

  • Pleasuredome

    i've never believed that the GB do control the ship anyway.

  • greendawn

    Pleasuredom you may well be right but then who do you suspect controls the WTS?

  • TheListener

    You guys are freaking me out!

    I would love to see major changes take place. Not because I would go back or because my family would leave, but it's exciting just to have things shaken up. The only reason I still read the WT/AW magazines is doto see the current light on scriptural doctrine so I can look dublike to those that see me at the hall. I would love to see some major light come forth about some of the holidays, # of meetings, blood, assemblies - crap just about anything.

  • ljwtiamb
    Pleasuredome : i've never believed that the GB do control the ship anyway.

    While I was there, they definitely ran the show! During that time you still had 'Freddie the Oracle' at the helm along with his quiver of cronies. That's one of reasons things were so slow to change. Believe me, all of the changes you see now, have been discussed for years, but the gb was not about breaking up tried and true traditions. Don't get me wrong, there were some strong personalities to support them, but it was quite clear who was in charge. Now that these guys are finally too old and gray to fight, the young guys are flexing their muscle. That's why I can't wait to see what they push up next!

  • heathen
    That's why I can't wait to see what they push up next!

    It'll probly be the usual look how old they are getting and now is the time to push the kingdom message . They do need some change in doctrine and policy .

  • garybuss

    The Governing Body has absolutely no legal influence over any of the Watch Tower conglomerate of corporations IF they are telling the truth today. Maybe the ONLY influence the Governing Body has today is perceptual. IF they have editorial power that means Jehovah has been fired as editor of the Watch Tower publications. I wonder when that happened.

    If the Governing Body has no official corporate influence and if the Governing Body has no editorial influence, what's their role? If that's true, aren't they already powerless? If the Governing Body claims only to be spirit channelers, I'd like to hear a rational explanation of exactly how that spirit channeling works and how the results of the channeling gets printed. I never have.

    It looks to me like maybe the Governing Body has simply moved to a corporate board of directors role that controls the Pennsylvania corporation, which controls all the other corporations. They are an undisclosed corporate board of directors. The rest is all smoke and mirrors.

  • heathen

    It's looking more like the governing body is nothing more than a sock puppet . They seem to have lost any sence of direction in the cult, simply quoting old WT publications that their senile old brains can process . They can't even remember if they are "spirit directed".

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