Can You See Thru A Phoney Poster?

by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheListener

    I'm a phoney. I don't really listen.

  • minimus

    Let me add, if someone dogs the Watchtower here and with other JW friends dogs the "apostates" here, they're phoney.

  • undercover

    but if we dog apostates while in the presence of apostates it's okay, right?

  • minimus


  • TheListener

    Hold on there. I may not Listen but I can read. If one is fading then it is necessary to tow the company line until the fade is out. That means that here one can express their views openly. But, with other dubs the fader must conceal their true feelings in order to blend in. That is not hypocrisy; it is lying. Albeit lying with a purpose.

    Lying can be fun. Lying can be good. Lying can benefit those you love and who love you.

  • tijkmo

    me thinks minimus has someone in mind

  • minimus

    That's ok, too. Lie but don't be a hypocrite.

  • undercover
    Lie but don't be a hypocrite.

    There are some on this board that feel that to not DA yourself completely from the JWs is a form of hypocrisy. If you want no part of the JWs why not make a stand and say so publicly by DAing yourself?

    It's a catch-22 there mini ole boy.

    I see what your saying and I agree in general but we have to remember we all have different circumstances and some may have no choice but to associate with the congregation to a point.

    me thinks minimus has someone in mind

    names. we need names. let's go dog this poster into embarrasement

  • catchthis

    It isn't lying or hypocrisy. If the WTS uses Theocratic Warfare to mislead those who do not need to know what is going on, why can't we do so as well?

    Oh, and I'm a phony as well. I am really 5'-2" tall, weigh 250 lbs, have horrible dandruff, and can't even whistle. I just pretend to be a well-tanned(or a high risk skin cancer subject), 6'-2" volleyball player that was df'd after over 30 years in.

  • Dismembered

    What ever happened to good ole netiquette?



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